Reinforcement and Schedules of Reinforcement Flashcards
What is operant conditioning?
A type of learning in which the future probability of a behaviour is affected by its consequences
What are the three main components of operant conditioning?
antecedent cues, behaviour, and consequences.
What is the order that ABC occurs?
antecedent cues (A) come before a behaviour (B); the consequences (C) occur after the behaviour.
what does the arrow between the B and C demonstrate?
The arrow between B and C indicates that the behaviour causes the consequences.
What does the colon between A and B demonstrate?
The colon between A and B indicates that antecedent cues do not cause behaviour, but they merely set the occasion for behaviour.
During operant conditioning, what do the consequences of behaviour influence?
(1) Frequency of the behaviour in the future
(2) Ability of future antecedent cues to set the occasion for the behaviour.
Means that C influences A and B
What is the prime movers of operant conditioning?
The consequences following an operant behaviour
What are reinforcers?
consequences used to strengthen a behaviour
How do we make a behaviour reoccur in the future?
To cause a behaviour (B) to be repeated in the future, a reinforcer must be immediately contingent (dependent) on the execution of the behaviour.
What are the four types of contingency?
Positive punishment
Positive reinforcement
Negative punishment
Negative reinforcement
What is reinforcement?
Reinforcement is defined as the procedure by which certain consequences strengthen a behaviour.
What is the difference between a reinforcer and a reinforcement?
The term reinforcer refers to the actual consequence
of a behaviour; the term reinforcement refers to the
process or procedure of strengthening a behaviour by
instituting this consequence.
What is positive reinforcement?
a behaviour strengthening procedure in which the occurrence of a behaviour is followed by the presentation of a stimulus that is usually considered pleasant or rewarding.
e.g.The use of food to increase the
strength of lever pressing in rats.
What is Negative reinforcement?
Behaviour strengthening procedure in which a stimulus
that is usually considered unpleasant or aversive, is
removed or omitted if the behaviour occurs.
If fastening one’s seatbelt terminates the loud buzz that
occurs in some cars when the ignition is turned on, this
behaviour will be strengthened.
What is a reinforcement schedule?
a rule that states under what conditions a reinforcer will be delivered.