Reichwein Quizlet Flashcards
Design Brief
A written plan that identifies a problem to be solved, its criteria, and its constraints. The design brief is used to encourage thinking of all aspects of a problem before attempting a solution
A group technique for solving problems, generating ideas, stimulating creative thinking, etc. by unrestrained spontaneous participation in discussion
Center Line
A line which defines the center of arcs, circles, or symmetrical parts
A form of pictorial sketch in which all three drawing axes form equal angles of 120 degrees with the plane of projection
Leader Line
Line which indicates dimensions of arcs, circles and detail
A measurable extent, such as the three principal dimensions of an object is width, height, and depth
Extension Line
Line which represents where a dimension starts and stops
Perspective Sketch
A form of pictorial sketch in which vanishing points are used to provide the depth and distortion that is seen with the human eye
Oblique Sketch
A form of pictorial in which an object is represented as true width and height, but the depth can be any size and drawn at any angle
Engineering Notebook
An engineering notebook is a book in which an engineer will formally document, in chronological order, all of his/her work that is associated with a specific design project.
The measurement associated with an object’s side-to-side dimension
The measurement associated with an object’s front-to-back dimension or extent of something from side to side
The measurement associated with an object’s top-to-bottom dimension
Section Lines
Thin lines used in a section view to indicate where the cutting plane line has cut through material
A three-dimensional body or geometric figure
A full-scale working model used to test a design concept by making actual observations and necessary adjustments
Design Process
A systematic problem-solving strategy, with criteria and constraints, used to develop many possible solutions to solve a problem or satisfy human needs and wants and to winnow (narrow) down the possible solutions to one final choice
Hidden Line
A line type that represents an edge that is not directly visible
Object Line
A heavy solid line used on a drawing to represent the outline of an object
Orthographic Projection
A method of representing three-dimensional objects on a plane having only length and breadth. Also referred to as Right Angle Projection
The process of using dimensions, quantity, or capacity by comparison with a standard in order to mark off, apportion, lay out, or establish dimensions
Line Conventions
Standardization of lines used on technical drawings by line weight and style
- The documents that are required for something or that give evidence or proof of something. 2. Drawings or printed information that contain instructions for assembling, installing, operating, and servicing
The degree of closeness of measurements of a quantity to the actual (or accepted) value