Regulations Flashcards
What are the 3 tiers of HSE regulation?
HSE registration requirements
Online process
£25 fee
What are notifiable practices?
Work with artificial or naturally occurring radionuclides that complies with lower levels of concentration & quantity
Work in a radon atmosphere above an annual average of 300Bq m-3
What are practices requiring registration?
Radiation generators, such as X-ray devices, that are not a specific practice requiring consent
Work with artificial or naturally occurring radionuclides that complies with designated levels of concentration, activity & quantity
Registration questions:
- RIsk assessment & ID forseeable accidents
- Est exposure / restrict expo
- Contingency plans
- Rad safety training
- Define controlled areas
- Local rules & appoint RPS
Practices requiring consent
the deliberate administration of radioactive substances
the deliberate addition of radioactive substances to products, including medicinal products, and the import of such products;
the operation of an accelerator
industrial radiography;
industrial irradiation;
any practice involving a high-activity sealed source
storage or disposal of waste
Consent questions
Responsibilities & organisational arrangements
Staff competencies & training
Facility/source design & controls
Anticipated occupational and public exposures
Risk assessment
Emergency procedures
Maintenance, testing, inspection & servicing
Management & disposal of waste
Disposal of unused sources
Quality assurance & audit
Application process
Must be an authorised employee Create an account – verified via email Employer Details Type of work carried out Registration questions Consent questions Declaration Payment Checks made Link to documents emailed
What has the eye dose changed to ?
- Change from 150 mSv pa to 20 mSv
- Classification will be at 15mSv
- HSE approved dosimeter required
May inc no, of classified workers
Changes to dosimetry
- Weight factor changes for tissue
- Outside workers - non-class + mult employers
- Passbook - not mandatory
- Average eye dose over 5 years
- Public dose estimation is required for practice which did not require estimation under EPR16
Other changes
Signif event -> use of cont plans
Equipment for med exposure now covered in IRMER reg 32
Some definition changes
Removal of women’s abdomen 13mSv limit
ACoP update
Sections removed
Req for audible monitor alarm when retracting HDR source
IRMER2018 changes
- IRR17 reg32 added
- Carers and comforters added
- Non-medical imaging - new type of exposure added
- Changes to duty holders and DRLs
- Patient dose to be included in records
Why was ARSAC/MARS 78 repealed?
Radiation was decided to be the great risk in radpharms
New split employer and practitioner licenses for arsac
ARSAC license changes
Employer/Employee licenses
Split licensing reduces burden on practitioners
Certificates valid during crossover