Regulations Flashcards
What articles grants officers and petty officers the authority to perform their duties?
1020 and 1037
What document gives petty officers power?
Article 1037 of us navy regulation
petty officers receive authority from what organization?
Standard organization of the US Navy
Is any order imposing punishment outside of UCMJ lawful
Yes,if on liberty out in town ,and committing a federal offense or minor ,the personnel maybe punished outside of UCMJ
A petty officer can take certain measures of correction from UCMJ document
Article 15
EMI is classified as what kind of correction?
A punitive
B major
How many hours of EMI can be issued to personnel?
2 hours max everyday
What is the purpose of EMI ?
A training device to improve efficiency for the command
Can EMI be conducted on the sabbath
Authority to assign EMI is what lowest level
Qualified petty officer LPO or chiefs generally
What is article 15?
Captains mast
What are examples of privileges ,that can be restricted by higher authorities?
Liberty,base parking ,ship library or exchange duty
Does your responsibility end when you’re on liberty
How many types of court Martials are there?
General special and summary
Who decides what court Martials to award?
What size chevrons for rating is worn on pea coat
3 1/4
How far is the rate put frm the neck
1 inch
Hair should be tapered by how much from the collar line
3/4 inch
When enlisted person violates in front of officer and petty officer who corrects it?
Petty officer
Officers must have how many years to become casualty officer
Two yrs
What is the objective for equal opportunity
To promote positive command moral and un hinder biased ness in command
Define sexual discrimination
Involves sexual favors or sexual advances verbal or physical sexual orientation
UCMJ defines what as punishable for fraternization?
Discredits navy
Right spirit is the campaign against what?
deglamourization of Alcohol abuse
How many times a week and how long is the recommended amount for pt?
Three times a week for 40 minutes and how many continuous aerobic activity 20 minutes
How long do dependents have to move out of military housing after service members death?
90 days
To become CWO , they must have how many years in college?
24 years is cut off for CWO
Who does enlisted papers belong to
What is Pg 4 for?
What is pg 2 for?
Can you be recalled after duty reserve it’s