Regulation of Solid Waste Flashcards
Solid Waste Disposal
Trash or garbage
- Fairly new term
(until the 20th century, each individual was responsible for discharging waste).
What is the major law governing the handling of Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW)?
In the U.S. Resource Conservation & Recovery Act goals are:
(1) Ensuring the disposal facilities are adequate.
(2) Encouraging source reduction, recycling & recovering energy from waste. [Reduce, Reuse, Recycle]
Problems caused by the growing volume of waste;
- Difficulties in disposal
-Dump sites being filled
-Increases in pollution of aquatic environments (waterways & oceans).
Expenses of disposing of MSW has be decreasing over time.
True or False?
*Expenses of disposing of MSW has been INCREASING over time.
Increase of MSW is also present in developing countries.
True or False?
What material makes up one-third of MSW that is thrown away?
Paper & cardboard (paperboard)
Total MSW Generation (Material) (Before Recycling)
Most ~ Least
1- Paper
2- Food
3- Yard trimmings
4- Plastics
5- Rubber, leather, & textiles
6- Metals
7- Wood
8- Glass
9- Other
EPA’s Hierarchy for Management of MSW
(More to less favored)
- Source reduction
- Recycling
- Disposal
- Combustion
When solid waste decomposes in land fills or is combusted, a by product can be a production of useful energy.
True or False?
Source Reduction Definition;
Reducing the amount of waste created, reusing whenever possible, and then recycling what is left.
What are the 2 important components of Source Reduction?
(1) Waste Reduction, aims to reduce the amount of waste produced at the source.
(2) Waste Recycling, refers to reusing materials in the waste.
Recycling Definition
Minimizing waste generation by recovering & reprocessing usable products that might otherwise become waste.
Advantages of recycling
- Reduces emissions of greenhouse gases
- Prevents the pollution generated using new materials.
- Decreases the number of materials shipped to landfills.
-Preserves natural resources
-Opens new manufacturing employment opportunities.
-Saves energy
Composting Definition
Aerobic biological decomposition of organic materials to produce a stable humus-like product.
Is composting considered waste prevention or recycling (from a municipal point of view)?
Considered waste prevention, because it prevents waste from entering the municipal stream.
What state has one of the most successful composting programs in the U.S.?