Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate Flashcards
How do we get calcium in our body and why is calcium important?
What is biologically active Ca2+?
Why is phosphate important?
Which 2 hormones regulate Ca2+ and PO43-?
Most important metal in the body, acquired via the diet - important for bone strength, muscle contraction, as a second messenger, intracellular co-enzyme, hormone/NT, blood coagulation (factor IV)
The Ca2+ that is not bound to other plasma proteins e.g. albumin
Part of high energy compounds e.g. ATP, makes up DNA and RNA
The same hormones - active vitamin D (calcitriol) and PTH
What are the 3 key hormones involved in calcium regulation? Which are the 2 that are critical?
Which 2 hormones increase Ca2+ and where do they act?
Which hormone decreases calcium?
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), Vitamin D, and calcitonin - calcitonin even if removed does not cause calcium imbalance (so not necessary for calcium regulation)
Parathyroid hormone and vitamin D - act via kidney, bone and gut
Calcitonin (not critical)
What are the 2 different sources of Vitamin D and how are they different?
The are different structurally as they come from 2 different places: take in via our diet - D2 (ergocalciferol); make it through the skin using sunshine - D3 (cholecalciferol)
What is the name of the active form of vitamin D?
How is active Vitamin D made using sunshine / via the diet?
- UVB light shines on the skin
- Precursor = 7-dehydrocholestrol, UVB triggers series of reactions to produce pre-vitamin D3, then eventually D3 in the skin
- D2 comes from the diet
- Both, D2 and D3 get transported into liver
- In the liver, the first step for the production of calcitriol = 25-hydroxylase converts D3 and D2 to 25(OH)cholecalciferol (inactive) by hydroxylating the 25th position
- Travels to the kidney, where 1-alphahydroxylase acts on 25(OH)cholecalciferol, to form 1,25-(OH)2 cholecalciferol (active form) - also known as calcitriol
So basically requires 2 hydroxylation steps overall to produce calciltriol

How do we measure Ca2+ levels in a patient? And why?
What is the negative feedback from calcetriol?
We measure 25(OH) cholecalciferol - the inactive version, this stored vitamin D is a good marker of how much Vit D is present in a person. Calcitriol, the active version, is not measured because it is too difficult to measure, the tube must be wrapped in tin foil as it is light sensitive, etc.
Calcitriol regulates it’s own synthesis by decreasing transcription of 1-alphahydroxlase
What does active Vitamin D / calcitriol do?
Acts on the kidney - increases Ca2+ and PO43- re-absorption, less lost via urine, therefore increases in the blood. Also works in the gut to increase Ca2+ and PO43-absorption, so more circulates in the bloodstream. Calcitriol also has positive effects on bone, stimulates e.g. increased osteoblast activity = making new bones cells, bone mineralisation, improves bone health
What is PTH (parathyroid hormone)? Where does it come from and what precursor is it made from?
What is the relationship between serum Ca2+ levels and PTH?
What does PTH do?
{Note: PTH is all about Ca2+, nothing to do with thyroid hormone}
It is a peptide hormone - comes from chief cells found in the parathyroid glands, which sit at the back of the thyroid glands - made from a long precursor called pre-pro-PTH, and is chopped up (cleaved) to form PTH
PTH is inversely proportional to serum Ca2+ levels (amount of Ca2+ in circulation) - PTH decreases when Ca2+ increases (and vice versa)
PTH drives Ca2+ levels to increase, and when they do, PTH switches off
How does PTH work to reduce Ca2+ levels?
What type of receptor are the calcium sensing receptors?
When there is an increase in the ECF [Ca2+] (extracellular fluid Ca2+ concentration), the Ca2+ binds to calcium sensing receptors on the parathyroid cells to stop PTH production - and vice versa
G-protein receptors

On which 3 structures does PTH act on to increase serum Ca2+ levels?
How does PTH sitmulate action in each of these 3 areas?
What’s the difference between osteoblast and osteoclast?

Kidney - PTH increases serum Ca2+ by increasing Ca2+ absorption from the kidney, so less lost in the urine results in more Ca2+ in the bloodstream. It stimulates an increase in the excretion of PO43- too. It also stimulates an increase in 1-alphahydroxylase activity, which results in a greater formation of calcitriol (active Vit. D) = indirect effects, increasing calcitriol production = more absorption of Ca2+ and PO43- in the gut
Gut - increased calcitriol production from kidneys = more absorption of Ca2+ and PO43- in the gut
Bone - Increases osteoclast activity = increased resorption of Ca2+ i.e. bone tissues broken down to release minerals such as Ca2+ into the blood
Both types of bone cells, but osteoBlast = Builds bone, osteoClast = Consumes bone

Recap: Explain how PTH acts on the 3 different structures to increase plasma / serum Ca2+ levels?

What is the mechanism of PTH action in bone?
osteoBlast - Build bone
osteoClast - Consume bone
PTH acts on bones, by switching blasts to clasts = when PTH binds to receptor on osteoblast, it triggers activating factors to convert the osteoblast to an osteoclast, which results in bone resorption (bone tissue broken down, releasing Ca2+)
What are the negative feedback loops? (Calcitriol and PTH)
What are the 2 ways to switch off PTH production?
Calcitriol - acts on the enzyme that made it, decreases 1-alphahydroxylase activity so less calcitriol is produced
As Ca2+ falls, less binding of Ca2+ to the parathyroid glands, more PTH released, 3 ways PTH increases serum Ca2+: kidney, bone and gut
Negative feedback via Ca2+ and negative feedback via calcitriol:
- Less PTH produced in response to the increase in Ca2+ itself, more Ca2+ binds to calcium sensing receptors in the PT gland, stimulates a decrease in PTH production
- PT glands have calcetriol receptors on them, so when PTH stimulates 1-alphahydroxylase activity resulting in more calcitriol production, this is detected by the celcitriol receptors in the PT glands to decrease PTH production

Which cells are to do with calcetonin secretion?
How critical is calcetonin in the body?
How does calcetonin act?

Parafollicular cells in the thyroid gland
Not very
Reduces serum Ca2+ levels - promotes excretion from the gut, and reducing osteoclast activity so less Ca2+ comsumption from the bone

Which hormone is responsible for reabsorption of PO43- in the gut?
How is serum phosphate regulated?
How does PTH work on PO43-?
What is the purpose of FGF23? What are its 2 mechanisms?
PTH and FGF23
Normally PO43- is reabsorbed in the urine, unless it is reabsorbed by the Na+/PO43- cotransporter. PTH inhibits PO43- reabsorption in the kidneys by inhibiting the Na+/PO43- cotransporter so more PO43- is peed out - this lowers serum PO43- levels
FGF23 is made by another type of bone cell, osteocytes, and is involved in PO43- regulation. It works by inhibiting PO43- reabsorption - 1. also inhibits Na+/PO43- cotransporter in the kidney so more PO43- is excreted, and 2. inhibits calcetriol production (so less PO43- reabsorption from the gut)
What is the name given to high serum Ca2+? And low serum Ca2+?
How does high extracellular Ca2+ affect the NS?
How does low extracellular Ca2+ affect the NS?
Hypercalcaemia = high serum Ca2+, hypocalcaemia = low serum Ca2+
Lots of Ca2+ in the way, so Ca2+ blocks Na+ influx - less Na+ can get in across the cell membrane = less membrane excitability
Enables greater Na+ influx = more membrane excitability (more opportunity for Na+ to get across membrane)
What are the signs and symptoms of hypocalcaemia?
What is the mneumonic for this to help remember these symptoms?
What serum levels should be monitored after a thyroidectomy?
What is Chvostek’s sign and how to test for Chvostek’s sign?
The increased NS excitability can lead to: arrythmias, convulsions / seizures, parasthesia (pins and needles), tetany (contracting muscles that afterwards cannot relax)
CATs go numb (convulsions, arrythmias, tetany - parasthesia)
After the thyroid gland surgery, monitor Ca2+ levels incase PTGs have been damaged
Twitching of the facial muscles (usually due to neuromuscular irritability due to hypocalcaemia) - tested for by tapping the facial nerve found under the zygomatic arch (cheekbone) - postive result = twitching
What is Trouseau’s sign? How can this be tested for clinically?
Also a sign of hypocalcaemia: shows tetany - irritable membranes = muscle contracts but cannot relax muscles
Inflation of BP cuff for several minutes, which induces carpopedal spasms (tetany)
What are the causes of hypocalcaemia?
Causes are likely to be due to poor regulation of serum Ca2+ levels, e.g.
Low PTH levels = hypoparathyroidism, which can arise from: damaged neck from surgery, autoimmune destruction of the PT gland or thyroid etc., Mg deficiency (needed for PTH to work), congenital i.e. born with in (agenesis, rare)
or Vitamin D deficiency
Both leading to low serum Ca2+ levels
What are some causes of Vitamin D deficiency? Use the diagram to find areas in the pathway for calcitriol production and action that could be damaged to stop Ca2+ regulation

Lack of UVB light, lack of D2 in diet, issues with asorption in the gut e.g. coeliac disease, liver disease (first hydroxylation step cannot take place), renal disease (2nd hydroxylation step cannot take place), Vitamin D receptor defects (v. rare)

What are some consequences of Vitamin D deficiency?
Lack of bone mineralisation, which in children = bendy bones (rickets) due to lack of ability to support growing weight
In adults = osteomalacia (increased risk of fractures), proximal myopathy (unhappy muscles = muscle weakness)
What are the signs and symptoms of hypercalcaemia?
High ECF [Ca2+] results in reduced neuronal excitability = atonal muscles (floppy muscles, not of regular strength)
Stones - renal effects include kidney stones and renal colic (a pain as a result of expelling a calcium kidney stone via urethra)
Abdominal moans - high Ca2+ can make a person feel very sick and therefore can have strong GI effects, such as nausea, heartburn, constipation (due to gut becoming an atonal muscle), predispose to pancreatitis
Psychic groans - negative brain function effects / CNS effects, such as fatigue, depression, impaired concentration, low mood, can result in a coma (w/ v. high Ca2+)
Stones, abdominal moans, and psychic groans
What are the causes of hypercalcaemia?
Usually a result of poor Ca2+ regulation - so an issue with calcitriol or PTH
Primary hyperparathyroidism = too much PTH production, usually due to PT gland adenoma (tumour) = negative feedback loop non-functioning
Malignancy = bone metastases = osteoclasts switched on permanently, so more bone broken down to produce Ca2+
Some cancers may release molecules that mimic PTH, such as PTH related peptide = acts on PTH receptors
Vitamin D excess (v. rare)