Regular Expressions Flashcards
Name the String methods that work with RegEx patterns:
match, replace, search, split
Make pattern for finding all numbers that are two or more digits (e.g. will find 10 and 333 but not 3 in “3 333 10”)
/\d{ 2, }/g – escape d; comma says a number to or more digits.
Make a pattern for finding the first letter in every word of a sentence.
/^[a-zA-Z]|\s[a-zA-Z]/g; ^ says find any letter at start of sentence; | says ‘or’ and \s says whitespace preceeding any letter.
what are the RegEx flags supported by js?
g for global, i for ignore case, and m for multiline
What is the literal for finding if a string contains 3 digits in a row?
or /[0-9][0-9][0-9]/
Note: this will be true for “123” as well as “1234” but not “12”
If you simply want to know if a string has an @ with characters on either side, do what? /[a-zA-Z]@[a-zA-Z]/ ); // returns -1 if nothing found; otherwise, returns index of first location.
what is the syntax for the replace() method?
nameOfString.replace(patternToMatch, replaceWith);
What does the question mark do?
Preceding character is optional. Matches 0 or 1 occurrence. Pattern colou?r will match color or colour. Pattern belle? will match bell or belle.
What does [XYZ] do?
Matches any single character from the character class. [ch]at will match cat and hat but not at.
Match a pattern only if it occurs at beginning of string with what character?
Match a pattern only if it occurs at end of string with what character?
Match anything that’s NOT a letter (not a, b, c, A, B, etc)
Match the word ‘hello’ ONLY if it’s the only content in a string. Match “hello” but not “ hello” or “yo, hello”.
Search for the words “image” or alttext” or “classname”
What arguments does the string.replace() function take and how do they work?
Arg1 is the pattern. Arg2 is the replacement string or else a function that takes the match (and additional arguments as well) and returns a string.
What are the regexp methods?
pattern.exec(someString) and pattern.test(someString)
Use a regExp method to find if the variable txt contains ‘cat’