Regular Expression & Shell Scripting Flashcards
Indentity (=)
Find a word that only matches the word you want to search for.
Optionallity (?)
Zero or one. “This piece is matched if the wrapped atom appears in this position zero or one times”.
Repetition (+)
One or more. “This piece is matched if the wrapped atom appears in this position one or more times”.
Optional rep. (*)
Zero or more. “This piece is matched if the wrapped atom appears in this position zero or more times”.
Abritrary q. ( {n,m} )
N to M times. “This piece is matched if the wrapped atom appears in this position at least n and at most m times”.
The . metacharacter is an atom that matches any character.
Any of a, b or c. The bracket expression [abc] is an atom that matches any single character from the list of enclosed characters.
Negated set ([^abc])
Anything except a, b or c. The bracket expression [^abc] is an atom that matches any single character from the list of enclosed characters.
Rangers ([a-f])
Any between a and f. The bracket expression [a-f] is an atom that matches any single character in the range of characters from a to f.
[Gg] ?
The letter must start with G or g.
((aa | bb | cc)) ?
aa, bb or cc. The branch (aa | bb | cc) is treated as a single atom (it is a group) and matches if any of the enclosed subsequences of pieces aa, bb or cc matches.
^ in a line/string?
Defines the beginning of the string/line.
$ in a line/string?
Defines the end of a string/line.
Rm ?
Removes files
Ls ?
List of content in a driectory
Cd ?
Change Directory
Wc ?
Word Count
Hello > file1.txt
Sort ?
Sort the lines in stdin