Regs Flashcards
Hypoxic Hypoxia
Most common caused by decreased oxygen in the air
Hypemic Hypoxia
Not enough hemoglobin to transport the oxygen, typically caused by carbon monoxide poisoning.
Stagnant Hypoxia
Not enough circulation to transport the oxygen, caused by prolonged sitting or reduced cardiac output
Histotoxic Hypoxia
Caused by alcohol, cells are incapable of taking the oxygen
How can you tell if you are looking at a current valid GOM
Review the list of effective pages in the front, make sure it is approved and signed by FSDO
How long do you have to report any offenses involving a motor vehicle with drugs or alcohol?
60 days. OKC FSDO
When does your first class medical expire?
12 months
What is considered night in regards to recent flight experience?
1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise, must complete 3 takeoffs/landings within 90 days to carry passengers
Which aircraft has the right of way over all other aircraft?
An aircraft in distress
Can you get a clearance for a restricted and prohibited area?
Restricted yes
Minimum fuel requirements?
20 mins
Weather minimums
Class B- 3sm CoC
Class C- 3sm, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
Class D-3sm, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
Class E- <10,000 3sm, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
>10,000 5sm 1000 above, 1000 below, 1sm horizontal
Class G-1200ft or less, Day: 1/2sm CoC Night: 1sm CoC
>1200 <10000MSL
Day: 1sm, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
Night: 3sm, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
>1200/10000MSL 5sm 1000 above, 1000 below, 1sm horizontal
When must seat belts be fastened?
During movement on the surface, takeoff and landing
Minimum and max duty times
500 hours per quarter
800 hours in 2 consecutive quarters
1400 hours in a calendar year
8 hours flight time per 24 hours with, 10 hours of rest
Prohibited Area
Do not fly through
Restricted Area
Can fly through if you have permission from the controlling agency
Warning Area
From 3NM outward from the coast, same as a MOA
Exercise caution and check times of activity, high speed traffic
Alert Area
High volume of pilot training or unusual aerial activity
CFA (Controlled Firing Area)
All activity is suspended when an aircraft is spotted or picked up on radar
When is oxygen required?
Above 10,000-12,000MSL for more than 30 minutes, always above 12,000MSL
What altitude can auto pilot be used?
500ft AGL
NVG Currency reuirements
Within 2 calendar months completed 6 NVG operations to include: 3 arrival and departures 3 hovering tasks 3 transition aided to unaided 3 takeoffs and landings (full patterns)
180 day goggle inspection
Emergency Deviation
Within 10 business days submit a written report to the responsible FSDO