regole grammaticali (grammar rules) Flashcards
Are titles capitalised?
“la signora”, “il doctore”…,
With the exception of very formal legal correspondence:
Lei, Loro, Voi, Le, Vi, Vostro:
“La ringraziamo per la Sua lettera”
“La Vostra gentile richiesta di…”
Are adjectives or People of nationality capitalised?
“inglese parole”, “italiane persone”.
With the exceptions of:
◾ Names of people/ institutions:
“Giobanni e Marta abitano qui”,
“Stati Uniti”,
“Unione Europea”
◾ Place names:
“America”, “Italia”, “Roma”
“La Tanzania e’ un paese africano”
words that are not capitalised (even at the beginning of a sentence)
◾ titles (la signora, Il dottor)
with exception of very formal legal correspondence:
Lei, Loro, Voi, Le, Vi, Vostro.
◾ days of the week
◾ adjectives or people of nationality:
“le inglese parole”,
“il italiane persone”,
“la Tanzania e’ un paese africano”
p’anico / panic’o
similar words
“farsi prendere dal panico”
(to be overcome by panic)
s’ubito /subito
similar words
“ha accettato subito”
(he accepted immediately)
cap’itano / capitano
similar words
they happen
“primo capitano”
papa / papà
similar words
“Papa Paolo VI”
“a ogni morte di papa” (once in a blue moon)
“vivere come un papa” (to live in the lap of luxury)
daddy / dad
‘ancora / ancora
similar words
still, yet "siete ancora a tavola?" (are you still eating?) "sta ancora dormendo" (she is still sleeping)
da / dà
similar words
from "viene da Torino" (he is from Toronto) "da destra a sinistra" (from right to left)
“mi dà il caffè”
(he gives me the coffee)
e / è
similar words
end / is "è alto come te" (He’s the same height as you)
la / là
similar words
“la parola”
“andate subito là, vi aspettano”
(go there now, they’re waiting for you)
li / lì
similar words
“li vedo stasera.”
(I’m seeing them tonight.)
“guarda lì”
(look there)
ne / nè
similar words
adverb: from here, from there, away
“me ne vado subito.”
(I’m leaving here immediately.)
pronoun: of him/her/it/them
“utti ne parlano male”
(every one speaks badly about it)
neither / nor "non mi ha detto né sì né no." (He didn’t tell me either yes or no.) "non lo lodo né lo biasimo." (I won’t speak either well or ill of it.)
si / sì
similar words
“Gianni si taglia sempre quando si fa la barba”
(Gianni always cuts himself when he’s shaving.)
“sì o no?”
te / il tè
similar words
you, ie: "vogliono te al lavoro" (they want you at/to work) "te lo ripeto per l’ultima volta" (I’m telling you for the last time)
tea, ie:
“bustina di tè” (tea bag)
“tè col limone” (tea with lemon)