Regional hazmat SOG's Flashcards
RHMRT site safety plan document #
Purpose of emergency response plan?
provide RHMRT with county wide organization to mitigate an emergency involving Hazardous materials.
How is the seven (7) person team made up?
2-entry 2-backup 1-decon leader 1-hazmat group supervisor 1-hazmat safety officer
what is the role of RHMRT?
confinement and containment, then incident priorities.
who has the authority to terminate any strategy or tactic considered unsafe ?
Hazmat group supervisor.
Who assumes command in the absence of a formal command structure or IC?
Hazmat group supervisor.
Hazmat control guidelines include:
plugging and packing of containers product transfer overpack drums flairing of gases direction of defensive operations diking, confinement and redirection of materials Neutralizaton venting guidelines vapor dispersion or suppression.
RHMRT have how long to respond once requested?
5 minutes
Palm Beach county Hazmat ordinance?
How are operational periods organized?
initial- 4hrs
greater than 1 entry- may request add’l team
greater than 4 entries - requires IC notification
extended ops defined as: (2) 4hr ops periods or greater than 4 entries
Who gets notified when situation is IDLH and involving extremely hazardous substances?
Need for Toxmedic (4) FRO for decon ops palm beach county dept emergency mgt. PBCDEM county warning point CWP state warning point SWP Florida division of emergency mgt
what is a level 1 response?
dealing w/ known substances no deaths or injures limited area less than 300ft less than 25 gallons evacuation not more than 4 hrs
is a level 3 incident
Severe incident
injuries or deaths may have already occurred
large area, impacting essential services
large amt of hazardous substance or LIMITED VERY hazardous sub.
is a level 3 response
Severe incident
What is a level 4 incident?
classified as major or severe release of chemical over extended area. Will spread to a larger area. HIGHLY TOXIC, VERY REACTIVE UNSTABLE flammable/explosive. Affects large area and several hours
When can RHMRT supervisor transfer responsibilities to another group supervisor?
with the concurrence of the IC.
Technical details may be provided to the IC/PIO if selected by who?
Hazmat group supervisor.
What is the curriculum that a hazmat group supervisor must complete?
Florida state emergency response commissions guideline for public sector hazardous materials training.
Hazardous materials incident commander and OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 (q)(6)
How often do supervisors and coordinators meet to implement changes to response plan, SOG’s, equipment, and training?
The county Emergency response plan will be reviewed how often?
AT LEAST annually.
Overall success of an incident depends on what?
initial operations set up by first arriving agency.
What is the minimum distance that allows for a a safe retreat?
The best positioning of vehicles with variable winds is?
Refuge area is defined as what?
area designated for contaminated persons within the exclusionary/ initial isolation zone .
ERG is good for directions up to what time frame?
Operational persons will operate in what mode during hazmat incidents
Defensive mode.
What is an INITIAL strategy that can be used in DEFENSIVE mode?
Spill control.
First response agency technicians can be utilized in what positions only?
Any positions except Entry team members or Hazmat group supervsor.
Who or which agency is responsible for which zones?
1- PBC
How is zone 4 notified for a hazmat response?
Through Boca Raton communications center by direct telephone line and Boca will contact Delray beach communications center.
Individual response units will acknowledge what information on PBCF tactical channel fire main?
Enroute to call and request a channel for assignment.
arrival at incident
commencing EXTENDED operations - (if after 4 hours)
Completed assignment and available.
Medical exams are conducted when?
at least q 12 months prior to assignment and exit from a team as deemed necessary by a physician upon s/s of an exposure. cases of suspected exposure above a PEL.
Medical exam to include what? in addition to regular physical?
Complete h/p occupational hx. heavy metals screening RBC cholinesterase stress test.
How often are medical records reviewed?
q 4 yrs