Regents Review Flashcards
What are all living things made up of?
What is Homeostasis?
Internal Balance
What does the Nucleus do?
Contains DNA
What does the Ribosome do?
Site of protein synthesis
What does the Mitochondria do?
Site of cellular respiration
(makes ATP energy)
What does the Chloroplasts do?
Site of Photosynthesis
Three types of Vacuoles?
Storage, Food, Contractile -(Active Transport)
What does the Cell Membrane do?
Helps regulate what comes in and out of the cell
What is the Cell Wall?
Strong, Gives support, Only in Plants
Diffusion requires…?
No Energy ( High - Low Concentration)
Active Transport…?
Requires Energy (Low - High Concentration)
Diffusion of Water?
More Salt causes the cell to?
Shrivel up
More Water causes the cell to?
Digestive System…?
Chemically breaks down large molecules into smaller molecules which can be absorbed
Circulatory System…?
Carries oxygenated blood to the body and deoxygenated blood out as well as nutrients
Respiratory System…?
Brings Oxygen into the body and gets rid of Carbon DIoxide
Skeletal and Muscular Systems…?
Aids in Locomotion and movement
Excretion System…?
Removes metabolic wastes
Nervous and Endocrine System…?
Controls other systems and Coordination
Nervous System…?
Brain and Spinal Cord
Endocrine System…?
Glands that secrete hormones into the Circulatory System
Immune System…?
Fights diseases
Antibodies are?
Antigens are?
Reproduction System…?
Produce Offspring by Asexual Reproduction or Sexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction?
One parent, looks identical
Sexual Reproduction?
Two parents, Gametes
Absorb Nutrients
1 cell thick
Gas exchange takes place within the lungs
Two Systems that work together?
Circulatory system brings filtered blood through the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs where the respiratory system exchanges it for air
Malfunctions of the body systems?
Any system- Cancer
Created Oxygen and Food
Formula for Photosynthesis?
C6H12O6 + O2 + H2O
Formula for Respiration?
CO2 + H2O + ATP
What are enzymes?
Protein Molecules made up if amino acids, Catalysts
What is is called when a enzyme combines with a specific substrat?
Lock and Key Model
What is it called when an enzyme is destroyed?
What are enzymes affected by?
Temperature and Ph
Normal Human Body Temperature is?
98.6 degrees F
Negative Feedback?
High Blood Sugar- Pancreas Produces Insulin- Low Blood sugar- Pancreas stops- Repeat
Positive Feedback?
What are Guard Cells?
Regulate the size of the openings through which water vapor escapes from leaves
Dynamic equilibrium?
Process similar to Homeostasis when the body makes small adjustments to keep a balanced internal environment
List 2 diseases…
Cancer and Inherited disorders
Cancer? 1 Example
Uncontrolled division of mutated cells which can lead to a tumor (Lung Cancer)
Inherited disorders? 1 Example
Diseases that are passed in genetic information from parents (Down syndrome)
White Blood cells fight diseases by?
Engulfing and destroying pathogens, produces antibodies, identifying invaders for destruction
Things on the end of Antigens (Bad)?
Vaccinations are…?
Weakened or dead pathogens
AIDS is…?
A viral diseases that attacks the immune system
Transplanted organs are?
Foreign “ Non Self”
Sex Cells have how many chromosomes?
23 chromosomes / Haploid Cell
Body Cells have how many chromosomes?
46 chromosomes / Diploid Cell
1 Base + 1 Sugar Molecule + 1 Phosphate Molecule creates what?
A -
G -
Single strand of copied DNA?
mRNA - Protein?
A change in DNA is what?
A base pair is missing?
An extra base pair is inserted?
A base pair is substituted?
Several base pairs are turned around and now out of sequence?
Selective Breeding?
When humans choose desirable traits
Transgenic organism?
DNA from 2 different species
Identical organism, form of asexual Reproduction
46 chromosomes splits into 2 new cells that both have 46 chromosomes
Sexual Reproduction and Gametes are produced with 1/2 the normal number of chromosomes