REG - Tax - Individual Flashcards
What is the allowed year end and method of accounting for a S corp to change to a C corp?
An S corp generally may use a calendar year, it may request permission from the IRS to have a fiscal year if it can establish a valid business purpose.
A C corp can elect to use either a calendar year or a fiscal year as its annual accounting period.
C corps are generally not allowed to use the cash method of accounting. An exception that permits cash method for C corp is a qualified personal service corp, or if the C corp for every year has avg gross receipts of $5M or less for any prior 3 year period and does not have inventories.
What is MACRS?
What is the depreciation method that must be used for regular tax purposes to determine the MACRS depreciation deduction for nonresidential real property?
Example: Aug 1, 2011 purchase office bldg for 264k incl 30k land
Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) is the current tax depreciation system in the United States. Under this system, the capitalized cost (basis) of tangible property is recovered over a specified life by annual deductions for depreciation. The lives are specified broadly in the Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) publishes detailed tables of lives by classes of assets. The deduction for depreciation is computed under one of two methods (declining balance switching to straight line or straight line) at the election of the taxpayer, with limitations.
Straight line method over 39 years for nonres real property. Use midmonth convention (property is treated as placed in service at midpoint in the month place in service). 264-30 for deprec basis. 4.5 months total deprec. MACRS dedn is 2250 total for 2011.
What is included to calculate the tax deductible medical expenses?
Includes dentist and eye doctor fees and cost of contact lenses.
No deduction is allowed for cosmetic surgery since not for personal injury or to correct a cogenital deformity. No deduction for premiums on disability income policy.
A disability income policy is not considered medical insurance because pmts are not based on the amount of medical expenses incurred.
How are real estate tax deductions handled?
Example: $1200 for 2011 but sold 4 months before pmt due
When real estate is sold, the real estate tax deductions is apportioned between the seller and the buyer according to the number of days in the real property tax year that each holds the property.
90/365 X 1200 = $296
Thus $296 is deducted on Sched A of Form 1040 for real estate taxes in the year.
For a self employed consultant, what should and should not be deducted to report self employment income? Salary drawn by consultant Estimated federal income taxes paid Malpractice insurance premiums Cost of attending professional seminar
The salary is not deductible as she is not an employee and federal income taxes are not deductible.
The other two are deductible.
What is a Keogh plan and how do you calculate earned income for a sole proprietor?
A self employed individual may contribute to a qualified retirement plan call ed a Keogh plan. The max contribution to a Keogh profit sharing plan is the lesser of $49k or 100% of earned income.
Earned income is net earnings from self employment (business gross income less allowable business deductions) reduced by the deduction for half of the self employment tax and the deductible Keogh contribution itself.
What happens when an accrued item is determined in the next year to be a different amount? Example: 2010 - properly accrued 10k as a reasonable estimate and 2011 - exact amount was 12k
The 2k difference can be included in the 2011 income tax return.
If an amount is included in gross income on the basis of a reasonable estimate, and it is later determined that the exact amount is more, then the additional amount is included in income in the tax year in which the determination of the exact amount is made.
Note under the accrual method, income is generally reported in the year earned.
What is subject to the Uniform Capitalization Rules of Code Sec 263A? What are exceptions?
Uniform capitalization (UNICAP) rules generally require that all costs incurred in manufacturing or constructing real or personal property, or in purchasing or holding property for sale, must be capitalized as part of the cost of the property. Costs that are excepted from UNICAP rules are research and experimental expenditures, mine development and exploration costs, and the costs incurred by a freelance writer, photographer, or artist whose personal efforts create the product. Also excepted are the costs of small retailers and wholesalers who acquire personal property for resale if the retailer's or wholesaler's average gross receipts for the preceding three tax years do not exceed 10M$. However, the warehousing costs incurred by a manufacturing company with $12M in annual gross receipts do not fall within these exceptions and thus are subject to UNICAP rules.
What are rules regarding education IRA (Coverdell Education Savings Account)?
Deductibility? Annual limit? Phaseout? Beneficiary age limit?
Contributions to an education IRA are not deductible, but withdrawal of earnings will be tax free if used to pay the qualified education expenses of the designated beneficiary.
The max annual amount that can be contributed to an education IRA is limited to $2k but the annual contribution is phased out for single taxpayers with modified AGI between 95k and 110k, and for married taxpayers with modified AGI between 190k and 220k.
Contributions cannot be made to an education IRA after the date on which the designated beneficiary reaches age 18.
What is the benefit of the Qualifying widow with dependent child status? When is it available?
By filing under this status, it will enable her to use the joint return standard deduction and joint return tax rate schedule. This filing status is available for the two taxable years following the year of a spouse’s death if
1 - the surviving spouse was eligible to file a joint return in the year of the spouse’s death
2- does not remarry before the end of the current tax year
3- the surviving spouse pays over 50% of the cost of maintaining a household that is the principal home for the entire year of the surviving spouse’s dependent child.
Under cash basis how do you get net income for the year?
Cash received from patients and third party reimbursers during the year and deduct salaries and other expenses paid in the year. Do not include year end bonuses paid in next year.
What happens in LIFO in a period of rising prices compared to FIFO?
LIFO would benefit a taxpayer in periods of rising prices because recently incurred high costs flow through to COGS while previously low costs incurred remain in EI. Compared to FIFO, LIDO increases COGS, decreases EI, decreases GP, taxable income, and current tax liability.
What is used to calculate net rental income?
Rent, depreciation, fuel and util, repairs, insurance
Lease cancellation, tenant left improvements
Under cash basis, take rent received less fuel and utilities, less deprec, less repairs to rental unit, less insurance = net rental income
Include lease cancellation payment in income.
Do not include lease improvements since they were not required in lieu of rent.
What are tax preferences vs adjustments to regular taxable income for alternative minimum tax purposes on tax return?
Personal exemption, itemized deduction for personal property taxes, charitable contribution of capital gain property, net long term capital gain, excess of accelerated deprec over st line deprec on real property placed in service prior to 1987, tax exempt interest from City of Chicago general obligation bonds
Preferences consist of excess deprec on real property
Adjustments include personal exemption and personal property taxes.
A provides medical services to B for 1k. B pays 500 and provides landscaping services which is valued at 350 for settlement of the bill. What amount is included in gross income?
An exchange of services for property or services is sometimes called bartering. A taxpayer must include in income the amount of cash and the FMV of property or services received in exchange for the performance of services. So 850 is included in gross income.
How much of the cost of group term life insurance provided by an employer must be included in an employee’s income? How much of the premium is taxable to employee? Example - covered by 90k policy where employer pays entire cost at $1 per $1000 of coverage.
It is included in employee’s income to the extent of the cost of life insurance coverage in excess of 50k. The excess coverage is 90k-50k = 40k. At a cost of $1/1000, the amount taxable to employee is 40$.
What are the rules for the child tax credit?
Individual taxpayers are permitted to take a tax credit based solely on the number of their dependent children under age 17.
The amount of credit is $1k per qualifying child.
The credit phases out when modified adjusted gross income exceeds specified thresholds.
How are tax deficiencies found in prior years treated?
Interest on tax deficiency, additional federal income tax, late filing penalty, negligence penalty
The interest on the tax deficiency is considered personal interest and is not deductible.
The additional federal income tax, the late filing penalty, and the negligence penalty are not deductible.
How do you calculate allowable net medical expense deduction? Example: adjusted gross income of 35k
Drugs prescribed $300, health insurance premiums 750, doctors fees 2250, eyeglasses 75 and reimbursement for doctor fees of 500.
Add drugs + medical insurance premiums + doctor fees - reimbursement + eyeglasses= 2875 less 7.5% of AGI (35k), 2625 = 250$ for medical expense deduction for the year
How do you calculate adjusted gross income for a self employed taxpayer?
Given gross income, self employment tax paid, health insurance, alimony, contribution to traditional IRA.
Gross income less deduction for 50% of self employment taxes paid, a deduction for 100% of health insurance premiums, alimony paid to a former spouse, and the contribution to a traditional IRA = AGI
What amounts are included in gross income for employee injured in the course of employment? Workers comp, reimbursement from employer’s accident and health plan for medical expenses paid by employee, damages for personal physical injuries
- All three amounts are excluded from gross income. Benefits received as workers comp and comp for damages for personal injuries are always excluded from gross income. Amounts received from an employer’s accident and health plan as reimbursement for medical expenses are excluded provided the med expenses were not previously deducted as itemized deductions.
What amount is taxable for alimony in a tax return? Example - payee spouse receives mortgage pmts that will terminate upon payee spouse death
In order to be treated as alimony, a pmt must be made in cash and be received by or on behalf of the payee spouse. Cash pmts must be required to terminate upon the death of the payee spouse to be treated as alimony. Thus, the mortgage pmts are treated as alimony.
How do you calculate an individual’s AMTI? Ex: real property taxes, home mortgage interest on loan to purchase residence, misc dedns in excess of 2% of AGI
Certain itemized deductions are not deductible in computing an individual’s AMTI (alternative minimum taxable income). No AMT dedn is allowed for state, local, and foreign income taxes, real and personal property taxes, and misc itemized dedns subject to the 2% of AGI floor.
Therefore, add back the real property tax and misc dedns to gross income before personal exemption to arrive at AMTI before AMT exemption.
What are the rules regarding a traditional IRA for individuals under the age of 50?
A taxpayer whose AGI is not above the applicable phaseout range can make a $200 deductible contribution regardless of the proportional phaseout rule. This 200$ minimum applies separately to taxpayer and taxpayer’s spouse.
If neither the taxpayer nor the taxpayer’s spouse is an active participant in an employer sponsored retirement plan or a Keogh plan, there is no phaseout of IRA deductions.
Total IRA contributions are subject to the $5k or 100% of compensation limit.
A taxpayer who is partially or totally prevented from making deductible IRA contributions can make nondeductible IRA contributions.
How is a state income tax refund handled? 50k adjusted gross income last year and claimed itemized dedns of state income taxes paid last year of 5.5k. Itemized dedn amount, exceeded standard dedn available for last year by 1150, was fully deductible and not subject to limits. Current year, he recieved 1.5k state tax refund relating to prior year.
A state income tax refund must be included in gross income for the current year under the tax benefit rule to the extent that the refunded amount was deducted in a prior year and the dedn provided a benefit by reducing the taxpayer’s federal income tax for the prior year.
In example, the itemized dedn for state income tax of 5.5k provided a benefit only to the extent that it exceeded the standard dedn that was otherwise available to him. Only 1150 of the 1500 refund is included in gross income for current year.
How many exemptions can be claims on a return?
Married couple has student and part time working daughter, blind son with no income, and support for wife’s father, a citizen and resident of Peru.
A married couple is entitled to one exemption each. They are entitled to one exemption for a qualifying child (child did not provide more than half of her own support, and is a FT student under 24).
An exemption can be claimed for a qualifying relative (they provided more than half of his support, and his gross income was less than 3.7k)
No exemption is allowed for the father as he was neither a US citizen or resident of US, Canada, or Mexico. There is no additional exemption for being age 65 or older.
Total 4 exemptions on joint tax return.
What is deductible as moving expenses?
Direct moving expenses are deductible if closely related to the start of work at a new location and a distance test ( (distance from new job to former job is at least 50 miles further than distance from old job to former residence) and a time test (employed at least 39 weeks out of 12 months following move) are met.
If both tests are met, then unreimbursed lodging and travel expenses, cost of insuring household goods and personal effects during move, cost of shipping motorcycle, and cost of moving household furnishings and personal effects are deductible.
Indirect moving exp such as premove househunting, temp living expenses, and meals while moving are not deductible.
How are each of the following used in 2011 federal tax return?
Resident of state has income tax. 2011 taxes withheld 3500, refund received in 2011 of 2010 tax 400, deficiency assessed and paid in 2011 for 2009: tax 600, interest 100
The 3.5k taxes withheld is deductible as is the 600 of tax paid during 2011 for 2009. The 400 refund of 2010 taxes does not reduce the 2011 dedn, but may be includable in income.
What is included when determining adjusted gross income?
The term gross income means income from whatever source derived and specifically includes alimony and separate maintenance pmts. Compensation for injuries and sickness, the rental value of parsonages, furnished to ministers of the gospel, and tuition scholarships are generally excluded from gross income as well as adjusted gross income.
What is a qualified education loan and how is interest on it treated? Ex: individual with 25k income and 1k interest on education loan
The interest expense on a qualified education loan is deductible in the computation of an individual’s adjusted gross income. A qualified education loan is a loan whose proceeds are used to pay the qualified education expense (eg tuition, fees, room board, books, supplies) of the taxpayer, spouse, or anyone who was a dependent when the loan was taken out. The max annual dedn is limited to 2.5k and is reduced by modified adjusted gross income in excess of 60k if single, head of household, or a qualifying widow; 120k if married filing jointly.
If an unmarried individual AGI is only 25k, their 1k of interest is deductible to arrive at AGI.
What amounts can be deducted as taxes in calculating itemized dedns?
property tax on res and land held for appreciation, state personal property tax on automobile, special assessment for installation of sewer system
The property taxes on the residence and the land held for appreciation, together with the personal property taxes on the auto are deductible. The special assessment is not, but would be added to the basis of the residence.
When can contributions be made to an IRA?
Contributions can be made to a traditional IRA for a year at any time during the year, and must be made no later than the due date for filing the return for that year, not including extension. Even though a taxpayer obtains an extension for filing return for a prior year, the return filing extension does not extend the date for making IRA contributions. For a calendar year individual, IRA contributions must generally be made on or before April 15 of the current year to be deductible for the prior year.
What is a casualty and how much can be deducted?
A casualty is the damage, destruction, or loss of property resulting from an identifiable event that is sudden, unexpected, or unusual. Deductible casualty losses may result from earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, fires, vandalism, auto accident, etc. However, a loss due to an accidental breakage of household articles under normal conditions is not a casualty loss. Neither is loss due to dmg caused by pet.
How do you calculate AMT (alternate minimum tax)
A taxpayer is subject to the AMT only if the taxpayer’s tentative AMT exceeds the taxpayer’s regular tax. Thus, the amt is computed as the excess of the tentative AMT over the regular tax.
How is adjusted gross income calculated?
Gross income means income from whatever source derived and specifically includes alimony and separate maintenance pmts.
Compensation for injuries and sickness, rental value of parsonages furnished to ministers of the gospel, and tuition scholarships are generally excluded from gross income and AGI.
What taxes are deductible for the current years federal tax return? - taxes withheld in year, refund received for prev year, deficiency paid in 2011 for 2009 with taxes of 600 and interest of 100
The taxes withheld in the year and the tax paid during 2011 for 2009 are deductible.
The 400 refund of 2010 does not reduce 2011 dedn, but can be included in income.
How are state income tax refunds treated?
2010 claimed 5.5k itemized dedn of state income taxes paid. Itemized dedn amount exceeded standard dedn by 1150 last year. Current year, 1.5k state tax refund received for prior year.
A state income tax refund must be included in gross income for the current year under the tax benefit rule to the extent that the refunded amount was deducted in a prior year and the dedn provided a benefit by reducing the taxpayer’s federal income tax for the prior year.
5.5k itemized dedn provided benefit to the extent that it exceeded standard dedn - so only 1,150 of the 1500 refund must be included in gross income in current year
How may exemptions are allowed?
Mr and mrs file a joint return and have a 19year old son with no income and a 22 year old daughter who is student and earned 8k, 40% of support. And provide total support for mrs father, citizen of Peru.
Mr and mrs. are entitled to one exemption each. They are entitled to one exemption for their qualifying child (ie did not provide more than half of her own support, and is a FT student under age 24). An exemption can be claimed for a qualifying relative (ie provided more than half of his support, and his gross income was less than 3.7k)
No exemption is allowed for mrs. father since he was neither a US citizer or resident of US, Canada, or Mexico. There is no additional exemption for being over age 65.
What moving expenses can be deducted? What are conditions to be met?
Direct moving expenses are deductible if closely relate to the start of work at a new location and a distance test (ie distance from new job to former residence is at least 50 miles further than distance from old job to former residence) and a time test (ie employed at least 39 weeks out of 12 months following move) are met. If met, this would cover unreimbursed lodging and travel expenses, cost of insuring household goods and personal effects during move, cost of moving household furnishings and personal effects.
Indirect exp such as premove househunting, temp living expenses, and meals while moving are not deductible.
What is the treatment for qualified education loan interest expense? Individual with modified AGI of 25k paid 1k interest on qualified education loan
The interest exp on a qualified education loan is deductible in the computation of an individual’s adjusted gross income. A qualified education loan is a loan whose proceeds are used to pay the qualified education expenses (tuition, fees, room, books, supplies) of the taxpayer, spouse, or anyone who was a dependent when the loan was taken out. The max annual dedn is limited to 2.5k and is reduced by modified AGI in excess of 60k if single, head of household, or a qualifying widower; 120k if joint filed.
What taxes are deductible as itemized dedns? property tax on residence special assessment for sewer in town state personal property tax on auto property tax on land held for LT apprec
Property taxes on residence and land held for apprec, and the presonal property tax on auto are deductible.
Special assessment is not deductible, but added to the basis of the residence.
What is the latest date than an IRA contribution can be made by a calendar year individual in order to qualify as a dedn on the prior year’s tax return?
IRA similar to RRSP
Last date is April 15, can be made on or before of the current year to be deductible for prior year.
Contributions can be made to a traditional IRA for a year at any time during the year, and must be made no later than the due date for filing the return for that year, not including extensions. Even if taxpayer gets extension, it does not extend date of IRA contributions.
What is a casualty? What amounts can be deducted for casualty loss?
A casualty is the dmg, destruction, or loss of property resulting from an identifiable event that is sudden, unexpected, or unusual.
Deductible casualty losses may result from earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, fires, vandalism, auto accident.
Accidental breakage or loss caused by pet is not casualty loss.
How is the alternative minimum tax (AMT) computed?
AMT is the excess of the tentative AMT over the regular tax.
A taxpayer is subject to the AMT only if the taxpayer’s tentative AMT exceeds the taxpayer’s regular tax.
What is the 2011 MACRS dedn for an office building placed into service in Aug 1, 2011 that cost 264k and 30k for land?
The MACRS dedn for nonresidential real property place in service during 2011 must be determined using the midmonth convention and the straight line method of deprec over 39 years. 264k cost of bldg is reduced by 30k land which gives the depreciable basis of 234k. There are 4.5 months of deprec for 2011 which means 2,250 for 2011.
What is the maximum amount of properly substantiated charitable contributions that can be claimed as an itemized dedn? Taxpayer A has 60k in AGI, contributed 25k to church. A has 15k carryover from 2010.
The 15k carryover and 25k to church means 40k total of contributions. Since an individual’s dedn for char contrib cannot exceed an overall limitation of 50% of AGI, the dedn for 2011 is limited to 30k.
A will have 2011 contribs deducted before 2010 carryforward, so A will carry over 2010 10k to 2012.
What is the normal period for statute of limitations and when is it not normal?
The normal period is 3 years after the return is filed, or if later, the due date of the return. However, a 6 year statute of limitations applies if the gross income omitted from the return exceeds 25% of the gross income reports on the return.
How is casualty loss calculated?
In personal residence with basis of 150k, fire dmg caused FMV to drop 20k. Repais paid for were 10k. Uninsured.
The amount of a personal casualty loss is the lesser of 1) the adjusted basis of the property 150k, OR 2) the decline in the property’s FMV resulting from the casualty 20k.
The casualty loss before considerations of the 100$ floor or the 10% of AGI limit is 20k.
How much is deductible for theft losses and how is it calcualted? A was robbed of $800 in hold up and maid stole $2000 cash. He has AGI of 10k.
Nonbusiness theft losses are deductible to the extent that each loss is in excess of $100, and the taxpayer’s net nonbusiness casualty and theft losses exceed 10% of AGI.
A can deduct 700 + 1900 less the 10% of 10k = 1600.
What is used to calculate AGI?
Given salary, alimony paid to former spouse, inheritance from grandparent, proceeds of lawsuit for personal injuries
The AGI consists of the salary less the alimony paid to former spouse,
The inheritance and lawsuit proceeds are excluded from gross income.
What is the carrying year limit for charitable contributions?
Charitable contributions in excess of the 50% limit are carried forward for up to 5 years, and are deductible in a carryforward year to the extent that the contributions of a carryforward year are below and applicable percentage limitations.
What is the time limit for a taxpayer to file a claim for refund?
A taxpayer must file a claim for refund within 3 years from the date a return was filed, or 2 years from the date of pmt of tax, whichever is later. If a return is filed before its due date, it is treated as filed on due date. Due date is Apr 15.
What is the filing status for surviving spouses?
Since the couple was married at date of death of one spouse, a joint return can be filed for tax year in which spouse died. But since they had no dependent children and survivor did not remarry, the only filing status available after the year of spouse death is as a single taxpayer.
What is included in determining the total support of a dependent?
Support includes food, clothing, FMV of lodging, medical, recreational, educations, and certain capital expenditures made on behalf of a dependent.
Excluded from support are life insurance premiums, funeral expenses, nontaxable scholarships, and income and social security taxes paid from a dependent’s own income.
What amount can be claimed in the years income tax return for medical expenses?
The medical expenses incurred by a taxpayer for self, spouse, or dependent are deductible when paid or charged to a credit card. (doesn’t matter if card pmt not made).
Expenses paid for the medical care of a decedent by the spouse are deductible as medical expenses in the year they are paid, whether the expenses in are paid before or after the death.
What qualifies as medical expenses that can be claimed?
Includes repair and maint of wheelchair for handicapped child, and tuition, meals, and lodging at special school for handicapped.
Pmt for meals and lodging provided by an institution as a necessary part of medical care is deductible as a medical expense if the main reason for being in the institution is to receive medical care.
What is and is not deductible when computing the alternative minimum tax (AMT) for individuals?
Home equity mortgage interest expense is deductible in computing the AMT for individuals if the loan proceeds were used to buy, build, or substantially improve the home.
State income taxes, medical expenses amounting to 10% of AGI, and home equity mortgage interest expense when the loan proceeds are not used to buy, build, or substantially improve the home are NOT deductible.
What is the MACRS dedn for furniture and fixtures placed in service during 2011?
Furniture placed in service in Dec 1, 2011 costing 112k.
Furniture and fixtures qualify as 7 year property and under MACRS will be depreciate using the 200% declining balance method.
Regular MACRS depreciation would be computed under which a half year convention normally applies to the year of acquisition. However, midquarter convention must be used if more than 40% of all personal property is placed in service during the last quarter of the taxpayer’s taxable year.
Since this was their only acquisition of personal property and the property was placed in service during the last quarter of calendar year, the mid quarter convention is used (treat as placed in service during middle of that quarter).
The MACRS deprec allowed is 112k X 2/7 X 1/8
How do you calculate the taxable income and income tax - for 45 year old unmarried, 15% tax bracket with AGI of 30k
Med exp of 8.4k, std dedn 5.8k, personal exemption 3.7k
AGI must be reduced by the greater of his itemized dedns or a std dedn, and a personal exemption.
Med exp of 8.4k is deductible to the extent IN EXCESS of 7.5% of AGI 30k which is 6,150.
AGI of 30k less itemized dedn of 6.150 and less personal exemption for taxable income of 20150 x 15% tax rate = income tax of 3023$
What is the amount that can be deducted as compensation expense on the tax return for the year?
An accrual method taxpayer can deduct comp when there is an obligation to make pmt, economic performance has occurred, the amount is reasonable, and pmt is made no later that 2.5 months after the end of taxable year.
Economic performance generally occurs when an employee performs services. It is not required that the exact comp amount be determined during the year, as long as computation is known and the liability is fixed - can accrue (can include actual bonus payout then).
What is the earned income credit and how can you be eligible?
The earned income credit is a refundable tax credit for eligible low income taxpayers. To be eligible, an individual must have earned income and generally must maintain a household for more than half the year for a qualifying child. A qualify child includes the taxpayer’s child or grandchild who lives with the taxpayer for more than half of the taxable year, is under 19 years old, or a FT student under 24, or permanently or totally disabled.
The earned income credit is not available to married taxpayers filing separately.
What is the allowable child care credit?
The credit is from 20-35% of certain dependent care expenses limited to the lesser of 1. 3k for one qualifying individual, 6k for two or more, 2. taxpayer’s earned income or spouse’s if smaller or 3. actual expenses.
Pmts to relatives qualify if the relative is not a dependent of the taxpayer. Pmt must be related to care of child.
The credit is 35% if AGI is 15k or less, but is reduced by 1% for each 2k (or portion thereof) of AGI in excess of 15k (floor of 20%). If AGI is 20k, the % is 32 X the amount of qualifying expenses.
What happens to a fellowship grant given to a degree candidate and non degree candidate?
A degree candidate can exclude scholarships and fellowships that are used for tuition and course related fees, books, supplies, and equipment. If not a degree candidate, the entire amount of grant must be included in gross income in the year received.
How do you qualify as head of household?
Head of household is unmarried and provides more than half of the cost of maintaining a household for his parents, who must also qualify as his dependents.
Qualify as dependents if more than half of support is provided for and gross income (excl nontaxable social security) is less than 3.7k.
A and his parents as dependents means 3 exemptions total.
What is included in rental income?
Includes lease cancellation pmt, rent for months in the year, and rent paid in advance for the last month of the lease. Prepaid rent must be included in income in the year received regardless of the period covered or the accounting method used.
What happens if alimony and child support are not fully paid?
If a divorce agreement specifies both alimony and child support, but less is paid than required, then pmts are first allocated to child support, with only the remainder in excess of required child support to be treated as alimony.
If alimony, it will be included into income; not for child support.