REG Review 1 Flashcards
Statue of Frauds
a. For the sale of goods (i.e. UCC)
b. Requires written agreement for goods over $500
i. Common law does not require the $500 limit for oral contracts
c. Contracts that can be completed in 1 year need not be in writing
Gift Tax – Exclusions
A. Annual exclusion of $14,000 per donee; any excess of will apply
B. Certain transfers are not considered gifts;
i. Payment of medical/tuition & fees can be unlimited in $ as long as they’re paid directly to institutions
ii. Political Contributions are not gifts
Gift Tax – Marital Deductions/Charitable Contributions
I. Unlimited amount for both deductions if transferred to a spouse/qualifying charity respectively
Gift Tax – Present/Remainder Interest
A. Directly relates to trusts
i. watch for revocable rights per interest for completion
ii. Future interest will be fully taxable for G.T. purposes
NOTE: Donor must give up control for gift to be completed
Estate Taxes – Filing Date
A. Due date for the return is 9 months after the date of death.
Estate Taxes – Allowable Deductions
I. Charitable contributions – No limits
II. Funeral Expenses
Estate Taxes – Allowable Credits to offset…
i. Unified Credit
ii. Foreign death taxes
iii. Gift Taxes paid prior to 77’
Estate Taxes – GST
a. Tax is imposed in addition to G & E taxes imposed
Estate Taxes – Reminders!
A. Marketable securities and cash are fully include able (i.e. not joint property for these purposes)
B. Life insurance proceeds not included as long as:
i. Policy holder/estate are not the beneficiary; and
ii. “X” had no incidents of ownership in the life insurance policy
Fiduciary Taxation – DNI
A. Distributive Net Income “Accounting Income”
i. Subtract (-) Cap Gains from “corpus” i.e. Principal
ii. Subtract Charitable Contributions; have no limit
Fiduciary Taxation – Requirements/Misc.
I. Minimum $600 to file return II. 4 1/2 months for due date III. Types of Tusts: i. Grantor Trust - retained interest ii. Simple Trust - Normal IV. No standard deduction
Tax Research – Primary/Secondary Authorities
I. Primary Authority -- i. Comes from: 1. Legislative Body (Congress) i. Constitution>IRC>Treaties ii. Regs>RevRulings>PLRulings 2. Administrative (Pres/Treas/IRS) 3. Judicial (Courts) II. Secondary Authority -- Treaties, Commentary, etc.
Tax Research – Types of Courts
- Tax Court – focuses on technical Tax law
- Small Claims Tax Court - less than $50,000
NOTE: Both do not require the person to pay - U.S. District court
- Court of Fed Claims
Gift Tax – New basis formula
Orig. Basis + (Gift Tax Paid*(FMV-Basis/FMV-Exclusion))=New Basis
Carryback/Carryforward List
A. Charitable Contributions - Forward 5 years
i. Individuals
a. 50% AGI Limit for Cash/Prop
b. 30% LTCG property
ii. Corporations – 10%
B. Excess investment expense over income–Forward indefinitely
C. Passive activity loss (in excess of passive activity income)–Forward indefinitely
D. AMT–Forward indefinitely against future “regular” income tax
E. Excess 179 Expense–Forward to next year and limited to taxable income
F. Individual Capital Loss (after $3K against ordinary income and $50K against capital gains)–forward indefinitely (ST or LT)
G. Corporate Capital Loss–3/5 (all ST)
H. Net Operating Loss–2/20
I. General Business Credit - 1/20
Security Interests –
To create a security interest:
(1) The creditor must give value
(2) The debtor must have rights in the collateral; and
(3) The creditor must take possession of the collateral “or” obtain the agreement in a signed or authenticated writing by the debtor
NOTE: A filing statement only perfects the interest but does not create it!
Statue of Limitations – How long?
I. The statute of limitations is a period of time within which a plaintiff must file an action in an appropriate court to receive judicial remedies.
A. Generally, a party wait 4 years to bring a lawsuit– in a breach of contract suit the time limit begins when the contract was breached
Negotiable Instruments – Order to pay/Promise to pay
I. Order to pay
i. Drafts
ii. Checks
II. Promise to pay
i. Note
ii. CD