REG - Included In GI Flashcards
How is property value determined for inclusion in GI?
Property received as compensation is included in income at FMV on the date of receipt.
What value is a bargain purchase from an employer by an employee included in GI at?
FMV less amount paid.
Are life insurance premiums paid by an employer included in GI?
Yes, except for group-term life insurance coverage of $50K or less.
Are employee expenses paid or reimbursed by the employer included in GI?
Yes, unless the employee has to account to the employer for the expenses and they would qualify as deductible business expenses for the employee.
What amount must be included in GI for tips?
If amount received is less than $20 while working for one employer during one month, the tips do not need to be reported to the employer, but must be included in individual’s GI.
If amount is $20 or more while working at one employer during one month, must report total amount of tips to employer by the 10th day of the following month for withholding and SS tax. Total amount of tips must be included for the month reported to the employer.
Are amounts received from partnerships included in GI?
The distributive share of partnership or S Corporation income is included in GI.
What is the treatment of bond premium for GI?
If TP elects to amortize bond premium on taxable bonds acquired after 1987, any bond premium amortization is treated as an offset against the interest earned on the bond. The amortization of bond premium reduces taxable income (by offsetting interest income) as well as the bond’s basis.
What is the income treatment for imputed interest from interest-free loans?
1) Borrower is treated as making imputed interest payments (subject to same deduction restrictions as actual payments) and lender reports as interest income.
2) Lender is treated as making gifts (for personal loans) or paying salary or dividends (for business-related loans or corp-shareholder loans) to the borrower.
3) Rate used to impute the interest is tied to average yield on certain federal securities and is compounded semiannually. If federal rate greater than rate on a low-interest loan, interest only imputed for excess. (a) for demand loans, the deemed transfers are generally treated as occurring at the end of each year, and will fluctuate with interest rates. (b) for term loans, the interest payments are determined at the date of the loan and then allocated over the term of the loan; lender’s payments are treated as made on the date of the loan.
4) No interest is imputed to either the borrower or the lender for any day on which the aggregate amount of loans between such individuals (and their spouses) does not exceed $10,000.
5) For any day that the aggregate amount of loans between borrower and the lender (and their spouses) does not exceed $100,000, imputed interest is limited to borrower’s “net investment income”; no interest is imputed if borrower’s net investment income does not exceed $1,000.
What is the income treatment for Alimony (and separate maintenance payments)?
Alimony is included in the recipient’s GI and is deductible toward AGI by the payor.
What are requirements for payments to be considered alimony?
(1) Made pursuant to a decree of divorce or written separation instrument
(2) Made in cash and received by or on behalf of the payee’s spouse
(3) Terminate upon death of the recipient
(4) Not be made to a member of the same household at the time the payments are made
(5) Not be made to a person with whom the TP is filing a joint return
(6) Not be characterized in the decree or written instrument as other than alimony (such as child support)
What is the alimony recapture rule?
Alimony recapture may occur if payments sharply decline in the second or third years. The payor reports the recaptured alimony from the first and second years as income (allowing the payee to deduct the same amount) in the third year.
-recapture for the 2nd year occurs to the extent that alimony paid in 2nd year exceeds 3rd year alimony by more than $15K.
-recapture for 1st year occurs to extent that alimony paid in 1st year exceeds average alimony paid in the 2nd year (reduced by the recapture for that year) and 3rd year by more than $15K.
(recapture does not apply to any year where payments terminate as a result of the death of either spouse or the remarriage of the payee)
(recapture does not apply to payments that may fluctuate over three years or more and are not within the control of the payor spouse [e.g., 20% of the net income from a business]).
How is child support treated for income purposes?
Child support is NOT gross income to the payee and is NOT deductible by the payor.
- if the decree/instrument specifies both alimony and child support but the spouse pays less than required, amounts are first allocated to child support, and any remainder is allocated to alimony.
- if specified amount of alimony is reduced upon the happening of some contingency relating to a child, then the amount equal to the specified reduction is treated as child support instead of alimony.
What amount of social security, pensions, annuities (other than the excluded recovery of capital) is included in GI?
Up to 50% of social security retirement benefits may be included in GI if the TP’s provisional income exceeds threshold. The amount to include in GI is the lesser of
(1) 50% of the social security benefits, or
(2) 50% of the excess of the TP’s provisional income over the base amount.
Up to 85% of the social security retirement benefits may be included in GI for TP’s with provisional income above a higher 2nd threshold:
(1) 85% of TP’s social security benefits, or
(2) The sum of (a) 85% of the excess of the TP’s provisional income above the applicable higher threshold amount plus (b) the smaller of (i)amount of benefits included in lower threshold, or (ii) $4,500 for single TPs or $6,000 for married filing jointly.
What are the provisional income thresholds for social security benefit inclusion in GI?
Lower threshold = $32K for joint return, $0 for married filing separately, and $25K for all other TPs.
Higher threshold = $44K for joint return, $0 for married filing separately, $34K for all other TPs.
What is the provisional income formula for determination of social security benefits inclusion in GI?
AGI + tax-exempt income + 50% of the social security benefits.