Reg Flashcards - Chapter 3
Basis of property received from transferor/shareholder
Greater of:
- NBV (Adjusted basis)
- Debt assumed by the corporation
Basis of common stock to shareholder during transfer
- Cash = amount contributed
- Property = Adj basis - debt assumed by corp (if debt > Adj basis, gain is added to bring stock basis to 0)
- Services = FMV
Trade or business deduction for corp calc
9% of the lesser of:
- Qualified production activities income (QPAI)
- Taxable income
QPAI calc
Qualified production activities income: Domestic gross receipts (COGS) (Other directly allocable expenses or losses) (Proper share of other deductions)
Casulaty losses for corp and individual
Corp: 100% deductible
Individual: $100 reduction & 10% of AGI reduction
Organizational and start-up deduction calc
$5,000 expense maxmium + ((eligible costs - 5000)/180)
Entites for which DRD doesn’t apply
“Don’t take it personally”
- Personal service corporation
- Personal holding company
- (Personally taxed) S corporation
DRD calc limitation and exception
Ex1: $100 dividends received. 80% owned. Taxable income = $90. DRD: .8100 = $80 v. .890=$72. Can only take $72 DRD.
Ex 2: $100 dividends received. 80% owned. Taxable income = $70. DRD: .8100 = $80 v. .870=$56. Can take all $80 because will create loss.
Corporate AMT adjustments
Long term contracts (% of completion method must be used for AMT)
Installment sale dealer (full accrual revenue must be used for AMT)
Depreciation adjustments
Corporate AMT preferences
PPP: Percentage depletion Prive activity Tax Exempt interest income Pre-'87 ACRS excess depreciation
Adjusted Current Earnings
Municipal-interest income
Organizational expense amortization
Life insurance proceeds on key employees
Difference between AMT and ACE depreciation
Dividends received deduction (under 20% owernership)
Alternative Depreciation System:
Straight line method over 40 years
Depreciation system used for corporate AMT
ADS for real property 150% Declining balance (using applicable class life) for personal property
Purpose of ACE
Ensure that corporations do not report a profit for financial stmt purposes but pay little to no income taxes
ACE adjustment calculation
- Unadjusted AMTI +/- MOLDD
2. 75%*(AMTI - ACE)
Limitations of ACE adjustment
Amount of negative ACE cannot be greater than the cumulative net positive ACE adjustments
No carryover of excess negative ACE adjustments