Reg Act New Flashcards
Define “Immovable Property”
Immovable Property includes land, buildings, hereditary allowances, rights to ways, lights, ferries, fisheries, or any other benefit arising out of land, and things attached to the earth, excluding standing timber, growing crops, and grass
Book includes a portion of a book and any number of sheets connected together to form a book or portion of a book
Who can present documents
by the person executing it, the claimant, or their representative or agent.
When does a registered document operate from
from the time it would have commenced to operate if no registration was required or made, not from the time of its registration
penalties for making false statements or endorsing documents with intent to injure
fines and potential imprisonment as specified in sections 81 and 82
purpose can a registering officer issue a summons
appearance of persons for examination regarding any document presented for registration and if their presence is necessary for the completion of the registration process.
Can the registrar delegate the power to issue summons
No, the power to issue summons is vested in the registering officer only
issuance of a bailable warrant for non-appearance?
Section 39
Section 40 in relation to summons?
empowers the registering officer to demand the presence of any person necessary for registration.
Section 58 concerning the endorsements and certificates
officer must endorse the document with a certificate of registration, indicating the date, time, and place of registration, and make an entry in the relevant register-book.
Refusal as per section 41
officer can refuse registration if the document is forged, executed by a person without legal capacity, or if the required registration fee is not paid. This refusal must be recorded with reasons and communicated to the applicant.
documents executed by government officers
Section 88
allows government officers to present documents for registration without personal appearance if the document is executed in their official capacity.