Reg 3BP B-B-B Blinds vs. BTN, River betsize = 0.6 -0.8 pot. Flashcards
The smaller the C-bet Size, the higher the composition of LP + AIR in the river Betting range where 2/3 C-bet Clearly indicate on the overall texture that the AIR + LP component is the lowest (26%), 50% C-Bet sizing contains 30% AIR +LP distribution on the river and after 33% the AIR + LP Component in the river betting range is significantly high on the overall texture - It goes well over 35%!
Ace High Flops:
Ace High Flops: We can say with high confidence that the AIR LP component goes down drasticly.
The AIR + LP component decreases with 6%, but the total Distribution of bluffs/LP is still >30% (31%).
The biggest drop in AIR + LP in the river betting distribution we can see once we have faced a 50% c-bet - It drops by 10%! Which leaves us with a AIR component on the river of only 20%.
For 66% C-bet size they land on the river with again only 20% of AIR + LP, this is a drop of 6% in bluffing freq. compared to the overall texture.
Paired flop:
Paired flop: Compared to SRP we see here instead of a decrease in river bluffing freq. a increase in bluffing freq. on the river!
This is especialy true after villain chose to c-bet larger 66% on the flop - The distribution of AIR + LP Stays consistant with the overall texure after they use 33% - 50% (= > 30%) but goes up by 6% once we faced a 66% c-bet size on the flop making the river AIR + LP distribution also 30% after facing a 66% c-Bet.
Ace Turn:
Ace Turn: Comapred with SRP we see in 3-Bet pots the ACE turn makes it so that the river bluffing freq. by the river slightly decreases.
This holds true for every sizing of c-bet used on the flop.
The difference tho is so small compared to the average texture that after we faced a 33% c-bet the AIR + LP component is still 34%.
29% after we faced a 50% c-bet and 26% after we faced a 66% c-bet.
Overcard Turn:
Overcard Turn: The overcard on the turn comes with a significant boost in AIR+LP component in the river bluffing range for the bigger sizings (> 50%).
After facing a 50% c-bet we have a AIR+LP boost in the river betting range distribution of 6% compared to the overall texture,
this brings us at a bluffing freq. of 36% total after facing 50% c-bet!
Kind of the same holds true for the 66% c-bet size, a 5% increase in AIR+LP component in the river betting range, pumping up the bluffing freq. to 31%.
The small exception we see is the decrease in bluffing freq. on the river after facing 33% c-bet, it goes down by 4% compared to the average but still is at 33% total.
2 -> 3 Broadway:
2 -> 3 Broadway: The biggest decrease we see in bluffing distribution in the river betting range for 3Bet scenarios after Ace high flops.
After facing a 33% c-bet we see a drop in bluffing freq on the river by 12% compared to the average texture, leaving us at a AIR+LP component of only 25% by the river.
The drop in AIR+LP distribution after they c-bet 50% is evenly bad, dropping 10% compared to the overall texture leaving us at a bluffing distribution of only 20%!
The AIR+LP distribution gets even worse after we face a 66% c-bet on the flop, the distribution is only 16%!
Ace River:
Ace River: We see a trend of a massive increase in bluffing frequency in the river betting range for every c-betting size earlyer in the hand.
After we have faced a c-bet of 33% the AIR + LP Component in the river bluffing range skyrockets to 53%! It’s rediculous :-D.
The distribution of AIR + LP after facing 50% also increases 5% compared to the average, which brings the bluffing freq. to 35%
The lowest distribution of AIR + LP component in the river betting range clearly comes when we have faced a 66% c-bet BUT the increase compared to the average texture is still 5%, which brings the totatal AIR + LP component at 31%.
Overcard River:
Overcard River: We see the same trend as with the Ace river, Slightly less increase in bluffing freq tho.
The AIR + LP distribution on the river still is rediculously high for the 33% c-bet - 43%.
Still is 34% after facing a 50% c-bet.
Even slightly goes up after facing a 66% c-bet by 1% compared to the Ace river - 32%.
FCR: Except for the 33% c-bet,We see a decrease in bluffing freq. on the river compared to the average.
The AIR + LP distribution after facing a 50% c-bet goes down by 6%, leaving the bluffing freq. only at 24% total.
It’s even worse facing a 66% c-bet, Making the Bluffing distribution in the river betting range drop by 7% leaving us with 19% total.
nFCR: We see an increase in the AIR + LP component in the river betting range, especialy after facing a 50% and 66% c-bet.
The 33% c-better is overbluffing river again the most with a distribution of AIR + LP of 40% in the river betting range.
2nd is the 50% c-bettor, coming with a bluffing distribution in the river betting range of 35%, whicch is a increase by 5% compared to the avarage texture.
The 66% c-bettor has the least AIR+LP distribution but still 4% more then on the avarege texture; leaving him with 30% AIR + LP in his river betting range.
Low Board Stays Low:
Low Board Stays Low: Compared to SRP we can see a increase in bluffing distribution in the river betting range in 3Bet pots.
An increase of 4% for the 33% c-bettor - 41% total AIR + LP distribution in the river betting range.
A solid increase of 5% for the 50% c-bettor - 35% total AIR + LP distribution in the river betting range.
A 3% increase in for the 66% c-bettor - 29% total AIR + LP distribution in the river betting range.
2Broadway Flop Low T+R:
2Broadway Flop Low T+R: Increase in bluffing distribution in the river betting range for all c-bet sizings (66% innegitable).
The increase in AIR + LP component for the 33% c-bettor is huge, 8% compared to the average which brings us to 45% total!
For the bigger sizings we can see a lower increase - The 50% c-bettor has a 4% higher distribution compared to the average - 34% total.
The 66% c-bettor’s bluffing distribution on the river slightly increases from 26 to 28% total AIR + LP component in the river betting range.