REG 12 Fire Prevention Flashcards
Company officers shall, upon receipt of complaints or notifications from any
source relating to conditions involving possible violations of law at premises or
locations within the unit’s administrative district, shall ?
cause prompt inspection to
determine actual condition.
Sec 12.1.6
In the event conditions
require action by other agencies, referrals (A-8 form/High priority referral
reports) or special reports shall be promptly forwarded.
In all cases of
complaints within the unit’s administrative district, reports shall be forwarded
and proper entries recorded in the company journal by the officer on duty
Agree or Disagree
Sec 12.1.6
Upon receipt of a complaint for premises or locations not within their administrative districts,
company officers shall give the caller the number to that company. Agree or Disagre
DISAGREE!! accept the particulars, record same in company journal, and promptly convey all necessary information to the proper unit by telephone. Sec 12.1.6
You are the Officer on duty and receive a complaint about a movie theater, you as the officer record all the info and make a prompt inspection. Agree or Disagree
Places of public
amusement and entertainment such as theaters, sports arenas, convention halls,
dance halls, cabarets or similar occupancies. Such complaints will be
immediately telephoned to the administrative Battalion Chief
Sec 12.1.6
Company officers shall, when notified of structural or occupancy hazards
dangerous to life or property,
cause an immediate inspection to determine
Transmit such information to Deputy and Battalion Chiefs on duty,
and forward a report to the Bureau of Fire Prevention via their chain of
Sec 12.1.7
Chief and Company Officers shall cause frequent inspections of buildings or
occupancies, excluding living quarters, wherein it is suspected fireworks are
being illegally stored or sold. When such fireworks are discovered what will the OOD do ?
a summons shall be served,
the Bureau of Fire Investigation notified and the Police Department called to the scene for confiscation and disposal.
A small quantity
shall be retained by the company officer for evidence.
Receipts shall be
obtained from the police official called to the scene.
The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be notified of the incident, followed by a
report with full particulars.
Sec 12.1.9
During field inspection duties the officer sends the 4 ff.’s under his command to do inspections. Was he correct ?
An officer, or acting officer, and not less than three firefighters, ** Exclusive of the
Chauffeur, ** shall perform field inspection or reinspection activities with a
properly operating radio equipped apparatus
Sec 12.2.2
The MICS Status Button, 10-8,
shall be used when leaving quarters on BISP and upon return to quarter’s
officers shall report their status to the dispatcher, using MICS. If the MICS is
not in service, units shall establish radio contact with the dispatcher when
leaving quarters and upon returning to quarters, notify the dispatcher by radio.
Agree or Disagree
Upon returning to quarters, notify the dispatcher by ** PHONE **
Sec 12.2.3
the Company Commander shall
designate a Lieutenant of his command to have primary responsibility for the
proper administration of Fire Prevention matters. He shall work in close liaison
with chief officers in updating company Fire Prevention records
True Or False
Sec 12.4.1