REG 1 Flashcards
This deck covers individual taxation topics: 1. Filing Status 2. Exemptions 3. Gross Income 4. Employee Stock Options
What are the general requirements for an individual to file a tax return?
A taxpayer must file a return if his or her income is equal to or greater than the sum of:
a. the personal excemption, plus
b. the regular standard deduction, plus
c. the additional standard deduction amount for taxpayers age 65 or older or blind.
What are the requirements to file Head of Household?
- Cannot be married, or is legally separated, or is married and has lived apart from the spouse for the last six months of the year as of the close of the taxable year.
- Cannot be a “qualifying widow(er).”
- Cannot be a nonresident alien.
- Maintains a household for more than half the taxable year is the principal residence of:
a. a son or daughter (includes legally adopted children, stepchildren, and decedents).
b. A mother or father, except they do not have to live with the taxpayer, however the taxpayer must provide over half the cost of maintaining their principal residence for the entire year.
c. Dependent relatives, including parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nephews, and nieces. Other than the parents, the dependent relative must live with the taxpayer.
What are the requirements to file Head of Household?
- Cannot be married, or is legally separated, or is married and has lived apart from the spouse for the last six months of the year as of the close of the taxable year.
- Cannot be a “qualifying widow(er).”
- Cannot be a nonresident alien.
- Maintains a household for more than half the taxable year is the principal residence of:
a. a son or daughter (includes legally adopted children, stepchildren, and descedents)
b. A mother or father, except they do not have to live with the taxpayer, however the taxpayer must provide over half the cost of maintaining their principal residence for the entire year.
c. Dependent relatives, including parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nephews, and nieces. Other than the parents, the dependent relative must live with the taxpayer.
What is the personal exemption amount for 2013?
Personal exemptions for dependents?
Persons eligible to be claimed as dependents on another’s tax return will not be allowed a personal exemption on their own returns.
What two tests must be met for a taxpayer to claim a personal exemption for their spouse when filing ‘Married Filing Separately’?
- The taxpayer’s spouse has no gross income
2. The taxpayer’s spouse was not claimed as a dependent of another taxpayer.
There is a phase-out of personal and dependency exemptions. What is the phase-out reduction and to which AGI limits does it apply?
The phase-out reduces exemptions by 2% for every $2,500 or portion thereof ($1,250 for MFS) by which AGI exceeds:
MFJ: $300,000
HOH: $275,000
Single: $250,000
MFS: $150,000
What are the requirements to claim a dependency exemption for a ‘Qualifying Child’?
- Close Relative Test: the child must be the taxpayer’s son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, or a descendent of any of these.
- Age Limit: Generally, a child must be younger than the taxpayer, and under age 19 (or 24 if a full-time student). There is no age limit for an individual who is deemed totally and permanently disabled at any time during the tax year.
- Residency and Filing Requirements: a child must have the same principal residence as the taxpayer for more than half the year. Furthermore, the child cannot file a joint tax return for the year.
- Eliminate Gross Income Test: the gross income test does not apply to a qualifying child, however the taxpayer must claim an exemption for the child.
- Support Test: the child must not have contributed more than one-half of his or her own support.
What are the requirements to claim a dependency exemption for a ‘Qualifying Relative’?
- Support Test: The taxpayer must have provided more than one-half of the support of the person. Support means the actual expenses incurred by or on behalf of the dependent. The dependent’s social security and state welfare payments are included in the dependent’s total support.
- Under Exemption Amount of (Taxable) Gross Income: A person may not be claimed as a dependent unless the dependent’s gross income is less than the exemption amount ($3,900 for 2013). Nontaxable income includes social security, tax-exempt interest income, and tax-exempt scholarships.
- Precludes Dependent from Filing a Joint Return: Married children may be claimed as dependents provided they do not file joint returns with their spouses (except to claim a refund of all taxes paid) and provided they satisfy all other requirements for dependency.
- Only Citizens of the United States or Residents of the United States, Mexico, or Canada.
- Relative: Children, grandchildren, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews can be claimed as dependents. Foster parents and cousins must live with the taxpayer for the entire year.
- Taxpayer Lives with the Individual (if Non-relative) for the Whole Year: A non-relative member of a household may be claimed as a dependent, provided the taxpayer’s relationship with that person does not violate local law. The non-relative MUST live with the taxpayer for the entire year.
What is ordinary income?
Ordinary income includes salaries and wages, state and local tax refunds, alimony, IRA and pension income, self-employment income, unemployment compensation, social security, prizes, the taxable portion of scholarships and fellowships, gambling income, and anything else not deemed passive, portfolio, or capital.
What is portfolio income?
Portfolio income includes income a taxpayer would earn on his portfolio of assets, such as interest and dividends.
What is passive income?
Passive income generally refers to income from an activity in which the taxpayer did not “materially participate.”
What is capital income?
Capital income refers to income generated from the sale of any asset property.
How are fringe benefits taxed?
The fair market value of a fringe benefit not specifically excluded by law is includable in income.
Life Insurance Proceeds are partially taxable fringe benefits. What portion is taxable?
Premiums paid by an employer on a group-term life insurance policy covering his employees above $50,000 are taxable to the recipient and normally included in W-2 wages.
What portion of employer-paid education expenses are excludable from gross income?
Up to $5,250 may be excluded from gross income of payments made by employer on behalf of an employee’s educational expenses.
What types of interest income are tax-exempt?
- State and local government bonds/obligations
- Bonds of a US possession
- Series EE Savings Bonds (exceptions apply)
- Interest on Veterans Administration Insurance
For Series EE Savings Bond interest to be exempt, what 4 stipulations must be met?
- Used to pay for higher education of the taxpayer, spouse, or dependents.
- There is taxpayer or joint ownership (spouse).
- The taxpayer is over age 24 when issued.
- The bonds are acquired after 1989.
How do you calculate the net unearned income of a child for kiddie tax purposes?
Net unearned income is calculated by taking the child’s total unearned income (from interest, dividends, rents, royalties, etc) and subtracting $2,000: the child’s allowable $1,000 standard deduction plus an additional $1,000.
Although the income in excess of $2,000 is taxed at the parent’s marginal tax rate, it is nonetheless included on the child’s tax return.
What is the new medicare tax for 2013?
Starting in 2013, certain unearned income is subject to a new 3.8% Medicare Tax.
The tax is levied on the lesser of:
- the taxpayer’s net investment income; or
- the excess of MAGI for the tax year over the threshold amount of $200,000 ($250,000 MFJ and $125,000 MFS).