Refrans #2 Flashcards
No todo lo que brilla esoro
Not everything that shines is gold
Donde comen cinco, comen seis
There is always room for more
Ojos que no ven, corazon que no sufre
What you don’t know can’t hurt you
No hay mejor espejo, que el amigo viejo
There is no better mirror then an old friend
Está lloviendo a cantaros
It’s pouring from the jar (it’s raining cats and dogs)
Al pan, pan y al vino, vino
Bread is bread and wine is wine.(it is what it is)
El que no se aventura, no cruza el mar
He that does not adventure does not cross the sea(you don’t know unless you try)
Las penas con pan son beunas.
The sorrows with bread are good.(food makes you happy)
Preguntando se llega a roma
If you ask questions you will get to Rome.(if you ask questions you will arrive to the answer)