Reformed Studies Flashcards
Name all the thing made during creation in order.
1 Light
2 Sea and sky
3 land and vegetation
4 sun moon and stars
5 Animals of the sea and sky
6 land animals and man
7 rest and enjoyment
Why did God create the world?
To glorify himself
What does it mean that man was created in the image of God?
Perfection. It means man is able to think, reason, love, worship, praise and able to feel emotions
I Am Who I Am, the convent God
God the Father, the creator
What does the comparison of Genesis 1 vs the Chinese creation show.?
Every creation story starts with Genesis 1
What are some gifts God gave to man?
Dominion over the earth, the breath of life, the Holy Spirit, the garden of Eden, tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree of life, eternal life
What was God’s promise?
God promised when you live in accordance to God’s will and word, you will be saved
What was God’s obligation?
Do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. To take care of creation. Love the Lord
Why would the LORD place this test before man?
To see if Adam and Eve would trust in God
Do we have similar tests today?
Yes, we need to trust in God alone. We have a promise and an obligation also.
What are different names for Satan?
The crafty serpent, The Murder and a liar, A roaring lion seeking to devour its prey and the great red fiery dragon.
What was Satan doing when he asked Did God really say, you shall not any tree in the garden?
He was questioning Eve asking if that is what he really said and he was sowing the seeds of doubt.
What did Eve add to God’s word?
She added neither shall you touch it.
How did Satan contradict God’s word?
He said they could eat of the fruit and not die.
Where was Adam during this conversation?
With Eve
Give three examples of creation suffering because of sin?
thorns and thistles, pain giving birth, animals shall eat each other and there shall be death
How does Genesis 4 show God having mercy towards man?
He allowed Adam and Eve to have children, he didn’t kill man and start over, he took care of Cain even though he was a killer,
What is antithesis?
Opposite. Anti meaning against and Thesis meaning statement
Who are the sons of Lamech?
Jobal, Jubal, Tubal
What were the jobs of Lamech’s sons?
Jobal was a Farmer and dealt with livestock.
Jubal was a musician
Tubal was a blacksmith
In what ways did Seth resemble Adam?
He was born into sin
What does Noah mean?
Did Enoch die?
No, he was taken up to God
Who were the Nephilim?
They are people of great height, and strength. Tall, warriors from Canaan, sons of Anak
Does the tower of Babel happen at the time of Peleg?
Yes, because Peleg means division.
What were the three reasons that the people wanted to build the tower of Babel?
They were trying to reach the heaves and be like God.
So they wouldn’t have to spread over the earth.
So they could make a name for themselves.
What does God show when the Bible says he had to go down and look at the tower of Babel?
God had to come down showing how unsuccessful it was.
Why did God confuse their languages?
So they couldn’t build the tower and so they spread over the earth
What does Babel mean?
To confuse to mix to mingle
When did God remove part of the confusion?
At Pentecost
Why did Genesis 10 focus on the line of Shem?
That was the line Jesus was to come from.