Reformation of Parliment Flashcards
What is the act of restraints of annates in 1532
Annates were the payments made by the bishops to the pope. 1/3 of Rome’s annual income.
Henry new the abolition of annates would cause retaliation of pope refusing to offer bills of conservation for new bishops, as a result the bill stated bishops could be consecrated by English authority.
Act demonstrates Henry had not gave up hope of popes approval.
What is the submission of the clergy in 1532?
Establishes that the king is now in charge of church law. Convocation can only meet when Henry says.
All clergy swear an oath of loyalty to Henry not pope.
Thomas more, Henry’s chancellor resigns over this and is executed.
Who is the new Archbishop of Canterbury in 1532?
Thomas Cranmer despite Stephen gardiner being in line for years, however he opposed the sub of clergy.
What happened in 1532 during appointment of new Archbishop of Canterbury?
Anne pregnant in 1532 and on the 25th is secretly married to Henry. Henry revives from Pope necessary bills for cramners consecration, but there is no word on the validity of 1st marriage.
What is the act of restraints in appeals 1533?
Ended appeals to Rome and ordered them to be heard by English church courts. This prevented Catherine from challenging any legal decision made.
Allowed cramner to open his court at Dunstable to preside over legitimacy of kings 1st marriage. On the 23th may Henry’s marriage to C void and on the 1st June Anne crowned king.
What is the act of dispensations in 1534?
Stopped all payments coming to Rome, even peterspence. All future dispensations allowing for departures from canon law would be issued by the archbishop of cantenbury not Rome
What is the act of succession in 1534?
Registers invalidity of Henry’s marriage to Catherine and validity to Anne. Heirs of 2nd marriage legitimised and Mary was bastardised.
Act bound nation by oath, swearing alligence to new queen.
What is the act of supremacy in 1534?
Made is an capital offence to slander the supremacy or to deny the kings new title.
Treason could be committed in words as well as deed.
Henry is the supreme head of church