Reformation Flashcards
word arose as an incident in struggle denoting Lutherans who “protested” action of diet of empire in 1529. Gradually came to be used by groups of anti-Roman reformers. By 1560s reality was a protestant N. Euro, cath. S. Euro- but fought for almost 100 yrs. more to affirm this. Frontier lasts.
“Justification by faith”
ML determined from Romans 1:17 - “the just shall live by faith” gave him new sense of peace since been obsessed with achieving salvation and not feeling secure in traditional route i.e. prayer, alms, sacrament and holy living. This would become one of basic tenets of Lutheranism.
Jesus’ and saints’ merits built up and in care of church which could sell a portion of them to help relieve souls from purgatory. Sold by R. C. Ch. - especially when having building drive. People bought them for forgiveness of their sins or those of deceased relatives. ML opposed these –> 95 theses.
Ninety-Five Theses
Martin Luther writes these to oppose selling of indulgences by Tetzel. Gives reasons why they are not justified. Supposedly nails to door of castle church in Wittenburg where he is professor of theology. This action cited as start of Protestant Reformation-1517. Expressed that forgiveness is by God- not dependent on priest’s absolution after sacrament of penance. ML appeals to Leo X to end indulgences. In arguing his case against Johann Eck at Leipzig Debate, ML says neither pope nor council can define true Christian belief. Bible is source and man must make own interpretations per conscience.
Leipzig Debate
ML debates with papal representative and famous theologian, Johann Eck, at University of Leipzig. ML, in attacking the doctrine of indulgences, challenges the Pope’s supremacy. Eck accuses him of being another Huss. ML unable to deny this.
Johann Eck
Catholic theologian with whom ML debated at Leipzig in 1519.
An Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation
Pubd. in 1520 by ML- a pamphlet which was a patriotic appeal to his fellow Germans to reject the foreign pope’s authority. Gave new significance to lay leaders- on par with clergy in leadership of church. Stressed need for reform.
The Babylonian Captivity
Most radical of ML’s pamphlets published in 1520. Attacked the system of seven sacraments that was basis of the RC Church’s authority, on the ground that only two are mentioned in scripture. Taught that only Baptism and Communion should be observed in sacramental way.
The Liberty of the Christian Man
Published by ML in 1520 and explaining his doctrine of faith and justification by stressing that, although he did not reject good works, only the faith of the individual believer could bring salvation from an all powerful, just, and merciful God. Indulgences were certainly not sufficient.
Doctrine dating from 1200s that priest had power to change bread and wine into body and blood of Christ. ML repudiated this yet, somehow said God mysteriously still present or consubstantiation. (Calvinists would say communion only symbolic/commemorative act)
Peasant’s Revolt
1524 in upheaval of times, peasants revolted. Aims social and economic against manorial overlords. ML sided with princes of day. Owed much to them. Peasants turned to anabaptism, felt ML betrayed them. ML shocked by their behavior and Lutheranism became more conservative and submissive to state. ML advised princes to suppress harshly the revolt-75,000 peasants killed.
Leaders of Peasant Revolt acquired religious followings- variety of beliefs including that infant baptism was wrong. Number of obscure zealots. More moderate ones in time give rise to Mennonites and Amish sects-many of which would end up in America and Canada. The Peasant Revolt and activities led ML towards more conservative approach. They represented unrest in lower classes. For ML Reformation was a religious revolution- NOT social/economic one.
Augsburg Confession
Codification in 1530 of Luther’s doctrines as established since time of Diet of Worms and subsequent confinement at Wartburg, 1521-22. Included priesthood of all believers, two sacraments, authority of the bible, justification by faith alone, end to monasticism and celibacy, consubstantiation. Luther’s friend, Philip Melancthon, worked on this codification with him.
Philip Melancthon
Melancthon also a big supporter/promoter of education. Literacy very important to individual interpretation of Bible.
Schmalkaldic War
1531 following Diet of Augsburg at which ML had laid out this theology before Charles V and been told unacceptable. German Lutheran Princes established. Schmalkaldic League vs. Catholic Hapsburgs. From 1546-1555 Schmalkald War- Civil/Religious war.
Peace of Augsburg
1555 compromise of Schmalk War. Gave each German Prince right to determine religion of his state- RC/Lutheran. Divided Germany fairly equally: N & E-> Lutheran; S & Rhine > Roman Catholic. Therefore, really a victory for Protestants. Christendom now being split up. Charles V agreed to this because under pressure from France in west and Turks in east.