Reflexes Flashcards
reflex is
a rapid predictable motor response to an injury
function of reflexes
help maintain homeostasis and protect from bodily injuries
somatic reflexes involve
skeletal muscles (ex: knee jerk, corneal)
visceral refelxes includes
smoot and cardia muscles, glands
-also known as autonomic reflex
-ex: corneal, pupillary
when a reflex only involves the spinal cord and peripheral nerve it is called
a spinal reflex
-ex: patellar or stretch
reflex arc
sensory receptor: generates graded potentials
sensory neuron: neurons transmit electrical impulses
integration center: interneurons in the spinal cord gray matter serve to integrate the incoming information before passing it on to the brain via the spinal cord
motor nueron: neurons which carry efferent impulses to the targets
effector: for example, skeletal, cardiac, or smooth. muscles or glands
example of polysynaptic reflex
flexor refelx
conduction time depends
on the number of synapes involved
latent period is
the time consumed in impulse transmission over a reflex arc
nuclear delay is the
portion of the latency consumed in the conduction through the cord
patellar or stretch reflex info
-tibial tuberosity, paterllar tendon
-proprioceptors - muscle spindles are involved
-sensory input to spinal cord
-motor output to quadriceps via L2 to L4
-extension of lower leg
intrafusal fibers contract in response to activation of
gamam motor fibers
extrafusal fibers contract in response to activation of
alpha motor fibers
extension of muscle increases
the rate of nerve impulses
activation of alpha motor neurons causes
muscle to contract