Reflex Arcs and Neurons Flashcards
What is the Skeletomotor Reflex arc
A stimulus applied to the receptor triggers action potential in sensory afferent fibers
- involve synaptic connection between sensory neurons, interneurons and motor neurons
Type of reflex arcs
Monosynaptic : direct connection between a sensory neuron and a motor neuron
Disynaptic: Involves 1 interneuron
Trisynaptic : involves 2 interneurons
Polysnaptic : maybe than 3 interneurons
somatosensory neuron
- these neurons transmit ssensory infotmation from bodily tissue and have a psuedo- unipolar structure.
- examples include nociceptive
Sensory nuerons and reflexes
Sensory neuron cell bodies are located in the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord
- reflexes such as spinal reflexes bypass the brain involving the spinal cord
Muscle spindle function
- detect changes in muscle length and speed
what are the two types of sensory endings
Type Ia ( fast adapting) : respond to rapid stretch
Type II (slow adapting) measure the degree of stretch
Monosynaptic stretch reflex
Responsible for reactions like the knee jerk reflex - triggered by a rapid but small stretch which evokes a strong response from Ia afferents
- reflex is not based on restoring muscle length but on responding to the speed of lengthening
Type of reflex responses
simple reflexes
- eye blink
complex reflexes
- require coordinated and often sequential activation of multiple muscles.