referral Flashcards
- children under 6
- unclear diagnosis
- lack of response to treatment
- moderate to severe acne
- signs of androgen excess
- medicines that is causing/aggravating acne
- experiencing significant negative emotional or social impacts
- scarring or family history of severe scarring, from acne
Vaginal Thrush
- 1st time symptoms
- > 4 episodes a year
- treatment failure
- bleeding
- pelvic or abdominal pain
- discharge not of BV or VCC
- sores
- urinary symptoms
- systemic symtpoms
- history suggestive of STI
- recent birth, miscarriage or abortions
- <18yrs and >60yrs
- immunosupression
- diabetes
- 1st time symptoms
- > 4 episodes a year
- treatment failure
- bleeding
- pelvic or abdominal pain
- discharge not of BV or VCC
- sores
- urinary symptoms
- systemic symtpoms
- history suggestive of STI
- recent birth, miscarriage or abortions
- <18yrs and >60yrs
- sx recurr within 2 weeks of treatment
- pregnancy
- Clinical need for adrenaline auto-injector not confirmed by a medical or nurse practitioner
- Child <7.5 kg where clinical need for adrenaline auto-injector not confirmed by a clinical immunology or allergy specialist
Supply and refer
- poor asthma control
- taking a beta blocker
- no action plan
Allergic Rhinitis
- tx failure
- quality of life seriously affected
- persistent unilateral nasal obstruction or discharge
- impaired sense of smell
- infection
- signs or sx of undiagnosed asthma
- signs or sx associated with medicines use
common colds
- fever above 39 degrees or chills
- fever for >5 days or returning after a fever free period
- dyspnoea
- wheezing
- chest pain
- dehydration
- vomiting
common colds - children
- fever above 38 in infants
- more than 2 days fever in children
- symptoms that do not improve or get worse
- ear pain
- excessive irritability
- lack of appetite or poor feeding
- drowsiness or lack of energy
- rectal bleeding, dark, tarry stool; or passing mucus in stools
- rectal pain
- unexplained weight loss
- fever
- anorexia, vomiting
- severe abdominal pain
- > 50yrs with new or worsening symptoms
- constipation alternating with diarrhoea
- sudden change in bowel habits lasting >2 weeks or recurring over >3 months
- suspected laxative misuse
- daily use of laxatives (excluding fibre based)
- constipation persisting as a new symptom that is not attributed to changes in diet or lifestyle or medicines or medical condition
- persisting after a week after 1 week of laxative or 2 weeks of dietary modification
- change in, or persistent concern about, bowel habit in infants <3 months
- cough persisting >2 weeks
- Haemoptysis
- Dyspnoea
- Systemic symptoms ( weight loss and fever)
- dicoloured or purulent sputum
- wheeze
- chest pain
- Persistent hoarseness
- feeding difficulties
- recurrent, productive cough in a child (particularly at night)
- nea/altered cough in a smoker ager >45 years
- New/altered cough in a person who is immunosupressed
- New/altered cough in a person who has visited a country where tuberculosis is endemic
-Unclear diagnosis
-Signs of secondary or systemic infection
-Respiratory, gastrointestinal (abdominal pain, vomiting) or cardiovascular (loss of consciousness, persistent dizziness, hypotension) signs or symptoms
-Drug reaction is suspected
-Signs or symptoms persist despite appropriate treatment
-Signs or symptoms are widespread
-Signs or symptoms are severe
-Sensitive areas (e.g. genital area) are affected
-Blood and/or mucus in the stools
- Severe abdominal or rectal pain
-Fever (≥39 °C)
-Severe vomiting
-Signs of severe dehydration (e.g. lethargy, loss of skin elasticity, sunken eyes, dry mouth, reduced urine output)
-Severe or worsening symptoms
-Diarrhoea lasting ≥14 days
-Unintentional weight loss
-Diarrhoea alternating with constipation
-Diarrhoea lasting >24 hours in an infant <1 year of age
-Diarrhoea lasting ≥2 days in a child
-Diarrhoea in an infant <6 months of age
-Chronic medical condition (e.g. heart failure, diabetes)
-Person is immunocompromised (e.g. chemotherapy, long-term corticosteroids, HIV infection)
-Suspected adverse drug reaction or laxative misuse
EC - refer
-the patient does not have a mature understanding of what is proposed
-oral EC is not supplied within the required time after unprotected sexual intercourse (UPSI)
-the patient has severe asthma treated with oral glucocorticoids and UPSI was >96 hours ago (ulipristal EC is indicated but may worsen their asthma)
->120 hours (5 days) after UPSI.
EC give and refer
- BMI >30 kg/m2 or weight >85 kg
-CYP3A4 enzyme inducer or griseofulvin used within the previous 4 weeks
-malabsorption disorder (e.g. Crohn’s disease, acute vomiting, severe diarrhoea)
-insufficient time interval between use of ulipristal EC and a progestogen
-ulipristal EC is required more than once in the same menstrual cycle (possible risk of hepatotoxicity)
-a victim or suspected victim of sexual assault
Gastroenteritis in children
-Severe abdominal pain
-High fever (≥39 °C)
-Minimal oral intake (e.g. due to persistent vomiting)
-Persistent diarrhoea
-Bloodstained vomit or stools
-Bilious (green) vomit
-Persistent vomiting (>2 days) or vomiting without diarrhoea
-Pre-existing disease/condition
-Age <6 months
-Poor growth or nutrition
-Use of fortified feeds (concentrated feeds or caloric additives)
-Recent use of potentially hypertonic fluids (e.g. Lucozade)
-Signs of severe dehydration
-Recent overseas travel
-Recurring symptoms
-Painful swallowing
-Gastrointestinal bleeding—dark, tarry stools; haematemesis
-Recurrent vomiting
-Unexplained weight loss
-Severe chest pain or pressure, especially if accompanied by radiating pain in the shoulder/arm/neck/jaw, sweating or difficulty breathing; or exacerbated by exercise (requires immediate medical attention)
-New symptoms in person aged >55 years
-Changing, severe or frequent (>twice/week) symptoms
-Symptoms not adequately controlled or continuing after a 2-week trial of H2-antagonist or proton pump inhibitor (PPI)
-Prolonged or recurrent use of PPI without medical investigation
-Epigastric pain