References Flashcards
Stowe et al 1987
Bolas spider - pheromones
Bolas spider
Stowe et al 1987
Jackson & Wilcox 1990
Portia fimbriata - vibrations
Portia fimbriata
Jackson & Wilson 1990
Cheney & Cote 2005
Blue stripe fangblennies - colour change
Blue stripe fangblennies
Cheney & Cote 2005
Londono et al 2015
Amazonian bird - chicks mimic caterpillars
Amazonian bird - chicks mimics caterpillars
Londono et al 2015
Nelson & Jackson 2006
Jumping spider predators actively avoid ant mimic jumping spider prey
Jumping spider predators actively avoid ant mimic jumping spider prey
Nelson & Jackson 2006
Hebets & Uetz 2000
Wolf spiders - tap to attract mate, when this fails use hairy legs, combo = best
Wolf spiders - tap to attract mate, when this fails use hairy legs, combo = best
Hebets & Uetz 2000
Hartline et al 1978
Snakes use IR and vision to differentiate between prey, hot rock and moving leaf
Snakes use IR to differentiate between prey, hot rock and moving leaf
Hartline et al 1978
Stynoski & Noble 2012
Strawberry poison dart frogs use vision, tactile and chemical cues to identify safety to beg
Strawberry poison dart frogs use vision, tactile and chemical cues to identify safety for begging
Stynoski & Noble 2012
Lohmann & Lohmann 1996
Sea turtles follow light and slope gradients to find the sea
Sea turtles follow light and slope gradients to find the sea
Lohmann & Lohmann 1996
Lohmann et al 1995
Sea turtle hatchlings use wave action to orientate themselves