Reference values Flashcards
Red blood cell count (RBC)
Female: 3.8–5.2 T/l
Male: 4.4–5.5 T/l
Hemoglobin (HGB)
Female: 120–165 g/l
Male: 135–170 g/l
Hematocrit (PCV)
Female: 0.37–0.47 l/l
Male: 0.40–0.54 l/l
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
80–95 fl
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)
28–33 pg
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
320–360 g/l
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR, Westergren)
<20 mm/h
Reticulocyte count (relative to RBC)
0.5–2.0 %
Platelet count (PLT)
150–400 G/l
White blood cell count (WBC)
4–10 G/l
Differential blood count
- Neutrophil, juvenile (metamyelocyte) 0–1 %
- Neutrophil, band 3–5 %
- Neutrophil, segment 50–70 %
- Eosinophil 2–4 %
- Basophil 0–1 %
- Monocyte 2–6 %
- Lymphocyte 20–40 %
Hemostasis parameters
- Bleeding time
- Prothrombin time (PT, INR)
- aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time)
- Thrombin time
- Fibrinogen
1) Sodium
2) Potassium
3) Calcium
4) Chloride
5) Iron
6) TIBC (total iron binding capacity)
1) Bilirubin total and direct reacting
2) Glucose (fasting)
3) Uric acid
4) Carbamid
5) Creatinin
6) Cholesterol (total)
7) HDL cholesterol
8) Triglycerides
- Total protein
- Albumin
- A/G (albumin/globulin quotient)
- CRP (Creactive protein)
Enzyme activities in serum/plasma
depends a lot on measurement method!
- Alpha-amilase
- ALAT (alaninaminotransferase, GPT)
- ASAT (aspartateaminotransferase, GOT)
- ALP (alkaline phosphatase)
- CK (creatinkinase)
- GGT (gammaglutamyltranspeptidase)
- LDH (lactatedehydrogenase)
- pH
- pCO2
- Standard bicarbonate (st HCO–3)
- BE (base excess)
- pO2
- O2 Sat
- Creatinine clearance (for 1.73 m2 body surface)
- Urine volume
- pH
- “Specific gravity” (density)
- Osmolar concentration
- Urinary sediment (per field)
1) Usual chart speed
2) AV conduction time (PR interval)
3) Width of the QRS complex
4) Pathological Q wave
SI prefixes
- P peta 10^15
- T tera 10^12
- G giga 10^9
- M mega 10^6
- k kilo 10^3
- m milli 10^–3
- µ micro 10^–6
- n nano 10^–9
- p pico 10^–12
- f femto 10^–15
Bleeding time
4-6 min
Prothrombin time (PT, INR)
aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time)
35-45 s
Thrombin time
20-22 s
1.5–4.0 g/l
Plasma sodium
135–145 mmol/l