Reduction, Voice/less, Hard/Soft Flashcards
Vowel Pronunciation Rules
1) A word may only have one stressed syllable
2) Only vowels can be stressed and should be pronounced longer and with emphasis
3) If a word has only one vowel, it is stressed
Reduction rules for: а & о
- a and o is pronounced as “аh” [ʌ] before a stressed syllable
- a and o is pronounced as “uh” [ə] after a stressed syllable or before two or more syllables
ex) панорáma -> пəнəрámʌ
дорогóй -> дəрʌгòй
Reduction rules for: е & я
- е and я are pronounced as “ее” and is written with и [i] for any unstressed syllable except at the end of the word
- е and я are pronounced as “yeh” [yə] if used
at the end of a word
ex) цветók -> цвитók
Reduction rules for: ё
- Ё and ë are always stressed in Russian words
Grammar rule for: e
- e after ж, ш, and ц is pronounced as: é = [э] | е = [ы]
Grammar rule for: и
- и stressed or unstressed keep its form
- и after ж or ш is pronounced: и = [ы]
The letter ____ is never used at the beginning of a word
How many consonants with hard/soft counterparts are there? Which consonants are always hard/soft?
- There are 15 hard consonants with soft counterparts
- Always hard: ж, ш, ц
- Always soft: ч, щ, й
Which consonants have a hard/soft relationship?
б в г д з к л м н п с т ф х
How does the soft-pronunciation sound?
Soft pronunciation adds a soft “-yuh” sound at the end of the consonant
How is softness indicated?
By writing the soft sign ь or by the letters: и, е, ё, ю, я
English Voice/Voiceless letters
Voiced: V Z B G D (vocal chord vibration)
Voiceless: F S P K T (vocal chord do not vibrate)
Rules for voice and voiceless consonants (2) and the exception
- Voiced consonants at the end of the word are pronounced voiceless
ex) джаз —pronounced—> джас - When two consonants are next to each other, the first consonant adopts the second consonant’s voice
- Exception: If the second consonant is В, the first consonant stays voiceless
Russian voiced and voiceless counterparts
б в г д ж з | п ф к т ш с
Which Russian letters are always voiced and voiceless
Always voiced: й л м н р
Always voiceless: х ч щ ц