Redis Flashcards
like Hash table
support only simple data type
not support of data persistence
not support master-slave
not support sharding
support set, list etc, complex data type
support data persistence
support master-slave
support sharding
Why Redis is so fast
support 100,000 QPS
- solely build on memory, not limited by harddisk I/O. one process ,one thread
- data structure is simple, so does the operation, like hashmap, key-value pair O(1)
- single thread,support high concurrency, multi-core => multi instance; do not need lock, less conflicts, no complex locking
- non-blocking IO, I/O多路复用技术(multiplexing)
Redis’s multiplex mechanism
Redis support: epoll/kqueue/evport/select
automatically choose base on use scenario
choose on time complexity O(1)
select as an O(n) method keeps as a backup plan
base on react design pattern to monitor I/O event
Redis‘s data type
- String (support jpg, serialized sequence)
- Hash (both are String)
Create Hashmap : hmset lilei name “lilei” age 36
Get value : hget lilei age // “36”
Set value: hset lilei name “LL”
- List (like stack, LIFO)
lpush mylist aaa
lpush mylist bbb
lpush mylist ccc
lrange mylist 0 10 //print 0_10 elements in mylist
- Other types: Geo HyperLogLog
//result 1. ‘ccc’, 2. ‘bbb’, 3. ‘aaa’
- Set
sadd myset 111
members myset
- Sorted Set
zadd myzset 3 abc
zadd myzset 1 abd
zrangebyscore myzset 0 10 // 1. abd 3. abc
Query for keys with certain prefix in a big set of keys
My Answer: how big is the set?
Use KEYS pattern to query for keys with a certain pattern
“keys k1*” //start with ‘k1’
Interviewer Q: The service is online, Will use KEYS interfere with the service?
My Answer: Yes, it will use a lot of computing resources. Because KEYS will return all the matching keys. if the amount is huge, it will slow down the server.
Use SCAN instead: SCAN cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count]
- iterator based on the cursor (last time result)
- it starts with cursor 0, util it returns another 0 (reach the end), called a full iteration
- does not guarantee the fixed amount of keys a time, around the count parameter; Support fuzzy query
scan 0 match k1* count 10 // from cursor 0 scan for prefix k1
1) ‘123’
2) 1) ‘k15435’
2) ‘k1644’
3) ‘k14667’
scan 123 match k1* count 10
Warning: does not guarantee non-duplication, need to write script to filter out dups.
what are the tasks for distributed lock
- mutex: blocking other
- security: only the lock owner could release the lock
- deadlock resolving
- fault tolerance
How to implement distributed lock using Redis?
Option 1 using SETNX and EXPIRE,not an optimal option which disobeys atomicity
SETNX locknx test, only when the key is existing, it will be created and initialized with value; else, it will decline the update
people use its feature to test whether there are other transactions using this part of data. if there is, wait for its release.
expire locknx 2 //2 seconds it will expire
Option 2 SET key value [EX seconds] [PX milliseconds] [NX|XX]
EX PX: expire time
NX: set the key when it is non-exist
XX: set the key when it exist
return value : OK or nil
set locktarget 12345 ex 10 nx
if many key expires at the same time, it will slow down service, how to solve it?
add random number to expire time when it is created