Redemption Flashcards
What do churches do for people?
They meet to worship together
provide an individual space for prayer
Churches before 1965
They always faced east towards Jerusalem and were in a cross shape the altar was always against the east wall
Churches after 1965
The altar is more towards the centre of the church to encourage people to join in
Shows Jesus on the cross and represents him being crucified and reminds christians that he died to save humanity
A cross without the figure of christ on it, a symbol of Christ victory over sin and death
Risen Cross
Focusses on christ as the risen, glorified saviour- Holy communion catholics are reminded that they receive the body and blood
Reading stand from where the bible readings are given, at least two readings are given from the lectern at every mass
Representation of Jesus, reminds christians of the suffering Jesus went through
The place of the sacrifice where the bread and wine are offered at mass
A box where the consecrated bread are kept
Altar or table
Some churches use an altar for the mass, a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, some churches use a table to remind them of the last supper
God gave humans free will
Humans can sin because God gave humans free will, god wants them to choose actively, rather than follow him
Original sin
The catholic teaches that all people are born with the tendency to commit sin
Sin has broken relationship
Sin has broken the relationship between God, humanity and the whole of creation, God the son because Jesus to help the perfect relationship with God be restored
Jesus’ death
Jesus lived his life in total obedience to the will of God the father- helped to restore the relationship between God and humans
Jesus’ resurrection
Three days after his death, Jesus was raised back to life by God- destroyed the ultimate power if sin and death- helped to restore the harmony of creation
Jesus’ ascension
40 days after Jesus was resurrected he ascended to heaven- helped to restore the cosmic order.
Jesus’ death and burial
4 steps in the action to redeem humanity and restore the relationship between God, humanity and the whole of creation
Jesus’ death and burial for Christians
Gives them hope like Jesus that they will be resurrected after death and raised up to have eternal life with God
Significance of Jesus’ ascension
Shows that Jesus is with the father, sharing his glory for all eternity, they will all be raised up to heaven
Jesus redeemed humanity through his death, people can be saved from sin and eternal operation from God
Redemption and Salvation
On going processes, are the focus of the liturgy in the mass
Salvation in the past
Jesus’ death and resurrection were essential to humanity’s salvation- made it possible for people to go to heaven
Salvation in the present
Salvation is an ongoing process, the Holy Spirit guides people to work towards salvation
Salvation in the future
Salvation will be completed at the end of time, the power of sin and death will be completely destroyed- and experience the joy of Heaven
Jesus as the restorer and the victor
Set a good example for others to follow: restored the relationship between God and humanity
Jesus as the example
Mark 14-15 tells how much Jesus knew he would suffer, he showed total obedience to God
Jesus as the restorer
Restored the relationship between God and humanity- Mark 15, Jesus died in the temple in Jerusalem, the veil that separated the holiest part of the temple from the rest tore in two
Jesus as the victor
Jesus suffered pain and suffering , by brining the presence of God into these, Jesus was victorious
A metaphor
A word of phrase that is applied to something else, to suggest the two things are similar
St Iraneous metaphor
Uses the metaphor of a tree to compare the event that created the need for salvation (he fall of Adam and eve)
The tree of the knwoledge of good and evil
Adam and eve disobeyed God by eating from the tree, broke humanitys relationship with God, brought death by separating humans from God
The tree of the Cross
Jesus obeyed God by dying on the cross, Jesus’ acceptance restored the relationship between God and humanity, brought life offering the possibility of eternal life
ST Anselm metaphor
Of the slave trade to show how humans were slaves to sin and Jesus’ death paid for them to be freed from this
The conscience
The voice of God in their heart and soul, guiding them to make the right choices
Christians and conscience
Believe that their conscience is based on a natural understanding on what Is right and wrong
Conscience made up of natural instincts
People are born with an understanding of what is right and wrong, do good and avoid evil
Conscience has to be educated
Needs to be shaped, developed, listening to other people and paying attention to church teachings
The mass
A re-anctment of and celebration of Jesus’ death through which humans are redeemed
The start of the mass
Catholics apologise to God and each other for their sins, congregation represents the body of Christ on earth- christ is present
The readings
Readings remind catholics that God has guided his people, restores and forgives all people
The offertory
The bread and the wine, on behalf of the congregation, as thanksgiving
The eucharistic prayer and consecration
Priest repeats the words that Jesus said at the last supper, Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine
Offers the bread and wine, binds them to christ and receive God’s grace
The end of the mass
Blesses and dismisses the congregation, Catholics leave to share the presence of Christ
Catholics thoughts on mass
Believe it is the source and summit’ As it is the highest form if prayer they can give
Orthodox Christian
Believe Christ is fully present in the consecrated bread and wine, emphasise on symbolism and ritual
Angilican Christian
The spirit of Christ is received when communion is given, christ is present in the community that shares the eucharist
Quakers and the Salvation Army
Don’t celebrate any form of eucharist, believe Christ is present through Spirit, they don’t practise the sacraments as they believe the whole of life is a sacrament
Noncomformist Christians
The Eucharist is a reminder of the last supper, Christ is present in the bible readings, Christ enters people’ lives when they receive communion
Blessed Sacrament
Christ is truly present in the consecrated bread and wine
Eucharistic adoration
Belief is shown in the prayers and rituals used in the mass and in the ay the blessed sacrament is honoured and respected.
Seven sacraments
Marriage, Reconcialiton, Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Annoiting the sick, Holy orders