How is the architecture, design and decoration of Catholic churches reflect Catholic beliefs ?
- Many churches are built in cruciform (Shape of a cross). This reflects the belief that Jesus died on the cross in order to save us from sin.
- Many altars are against the back wall, facing towards Jerusalem (where Jesus death and resurrection took place).
Internal features of a church building
The altar - The most important feature in a Catholic church. It is the focal point of catholic worship and where the events of the last supper, Jesus death and resurrection are re-enacted.
The lectern - Where the Gospel and readings are proclaimed from. this helps Catholics to reflect on God’s love and the mystery of redemption.
The crucifix - Helps Christians to reflect on Jesus sacrifice, through which brings about redemption.
The tabernacle - is where the Body of Christ is stored outside of Mass. Catholics believe that Jesus is fully present in the tabernacle and reminds them that God is always with them.
How far the story of redemption has influenced Catholic understanding of the liturgy?
As a sacrifice - during mass the bread and the wine are offered on the altar. They become the body and blood of Christ - the sacrifice is through which Jesus brings about redemption
As a thanksgiving - Eucharist means ‘thanksgiving’. During Mass, Catholics give thanks to God for all he has done and for bringing about redemption through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
What are the serval things that happened in Mark 15:21-39 ?(Jesus’ Crucifixion)
There was darkness over the whole land - This shows that Jesus’ death has cosmic significance.(Affected the whole of creation)
The curtain in the temple is torn in two - This symbolises that Jesus death restored the relationship between God and creation.
The centurion (solider) standing nest to the cross recognises that Jesus is the Son of God - This shows that people standing by could see and understand the importance of what had just taken place.
What are the serval things that happened in John 20:1-18?
Jesus’ Resurrection
Peter and John go to the tomb and find it empty - This is the first sign that Jesus has risen from the dead.
Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene
Jesus sends Mary to announce the resurrection to his disciples
Jesus tells Mary that he will be ascending / returning to the father - This shows that his work on earth has been completed.
What are the serval things that happened in Acts 1:6-11?
Jesus’ Ascension
He has gone to prepare a place for his followers in heaven .
Two men in white (angels) tell Jesus’ disciples that he will return.
What are the serval things that happened in Acts 2:1-4?
The coming of the holy spirt at Pentecost
The holy spirt comes at Pentecost - shows that Jesus promise to remain with his apostles, even after his ascension is being fulfilled
The Apostles go out preaching the gospel and baptising others
What does Gaudium et Spes 16 teaches us about our conscience?
- our conscience constantly calls us to do what is right and avoid doing what is wrong
- Our conscience helps us to discover what God wants
- A person should not ignore their conscience - they should try to follow it at all times.
What does Catechism of the church teach us about our conscience?
- Each individual has the duty to educate their conscience eg praying to help us discover god’s will
- A well educated conscience should not lead a person to go against the teaching of the church
- the conscience along with scripture is the voice of God speaking to each individual.
Should a person always follow their conscience?
- It is the voice of God, speaking to each person
- As long as a person has educated their conscience correctly
- They may not have educated their conscience correctly giving them a false sense of right and wrong
- there are other sources a Christian can turn to help them make decisions
How is the Mass/Eucharist a source of Christian life?
- When Catholics celebrate the eucharist during mass they re-enact Jesus’ death and resurrection
- These events are what bring about redemption and give us new + eternal life
- when Catholics receive the eucharist they receive redemption
How is the Mass/Eucharist a summit of Christian life?
As Jesus’ sacrifice of his body and blood restore the relationship between God and Humanity and heaven and earth, receiving the eucharist unites Catholics to God
- Gives Catholics the closest union with God while on earth.
What are the different beliefs of the eucharist?
Catholics, Orthodox Christians, protestant Christians, Quakers and salvation Army christians
Catholics - Believes that it re-enacts Jesus’s death and resurrection and ‘Transubstantiation’ takes place making the bread and wine the body and blood of christ.
Orthodox - believes that the Bread and the wine becomes that body and blood of christ. But is referred as a mystery.
Protestant - Believe that the eucharist symbolises Jesus’ Blood and body, but what is recieved remains bread an wine as Jesus had at the last supper. They believe that Jesus is spiritually present, not physically .
Quakers and Salvation Army - Do not celebrate the Eucharist and instead they focus on trying to live out a good Christian life and following Jesus’ commandments.