Red Book Flashcards
6 parts of the RICS red book?
Part 1 - introduction
2 glossary
3 professional standards
4 valuation technical and professional standards
5 valuation professional guidance application
6 international valuation standards
Part 3 of red book is what?
Professional standards
What is Professional standard 1
Compliance with standards and practice statements where written valuation is provided
Is professional standards? (Aka part 3 of red book) mandatory for all members
Yes although exceptions
- provided for or during course of negotiations or litigation
- valuer is performing a statutory function
- provided for internal use only and is without liability
- valuation provided as part of agency work
- provided as giving evidence as an expert witness
What is PS 2 of part 3 of the red book?
PS 2 ethics competency objectivity and disclosures
Professional and ethical standards: must work in accordance with RICS 5 rules of conduct
What is part four of the red book 2021?
VPS - valuations technical and performance standards (VPS)
What is VPS 1 in valuation?
Terms of engagement
Under VPS 1 in valuation, what matters must be confirmed in the terms of engagement?
- Identification and status of the valuer
- Identification of the client
- Identification of any other intended users
- The asset to be valued - if a portfolio then lotting of assets should be considered
- Currency
- Purpose of the valuation
- Basis of value
- Valuation date
- Extent of investigation
- Nature and source of the information to be relied upon
- Assumptions and special assumptions to be made
- Format of the report
- Restrictions for use, distribution and publication
- Confirmation of Red Book Global/IVS compliance
- Fee basis
- Complaints handing procedure to be made available
- Statement that the valuation may be subject to compliance by the RICS
- Limitation on liability agreed
What is an assumption in a valuation?
Made where it is reasonable for the valuer to accept that something is true without the need for specific investigation
What is a special assumption in valuation?
Supposition taken to be true and accepted as fact even though it is not true
What must you do with special assumptions prior to undertaking the valuation?
Agree in writing with the client are the commencement of the instruction
Give an example of a special assumption?
Assuming the property is vacant when it is let or vice versa
What is VPS 2?
VPS 2 inspections investigations and records
Under VPS 2 what should a valuer do in relation to inspection?
Valuers must take steps to verify the necessary information being relied upon for the valuation to ensure information is professionally adequate for its purpose
What is a desk top valuation also known as?
Restricted information valuation