Recruitment + Selection Flashcards
Occupational psychology definition
-psychology applied to work, business + organisations
- comp advantage an organisation has is in performance of employees
-want ‘ right person for job
1) Person-Job fit-> how well their knowledge, skills + abilities fit demands of job
2) Person -organisation fit-> how well does personality, values + goals match organisation
creating a job advert
- TaSK oriented -> what task requires of them
-work oriented -> type of person they want ( personality, skills, values)
job analysis
- knowledge
- other characteristics
impact of job advert
- impacts who applies + how they perform (Linos + Reinhard)
- The way they are worded (Gaucher et al) ->
male don jobs use masculine words ( leader, comp) + ppts perceive more men in job + women find it less appealing
-How job organisation is described: attracted to select env (attraction-selection- attrition theory ASA)
current issues - the online world
- employers check social media profiles during selection
- HR use it to judge you
- No correlation between recruiter ratings of SM ratings of job performance (van Iddekinge et al )
social Media as a recruitment tool : Demir study
Aim- determine influence Of SM accounts on HR decisions
- semi-structured interviews with HR managers
- found 3 main reasons for looking at SM: reducing recruitment cost,time effective, identify best candidates
-look at posts, followers. comments which reflect socio-psychological characteristics
Bias in recruitment + selection
-Beautyism -> more attractive = more pas vibe
-Halo effect-> good first impression = view them pos
- Horns effect -> poor impression = view them neg
- similar-to-me = more pos
- stereotyping
-self-delusion- viewing them as better at job due to beautyism/ Halo than they actually are
strength-based recruitment
-Hiring candidates with natural talents + motivations
- inCreases engagement + self-esteem
-decreases perceived stress
- employees feel support included
-lower employee turnover
-strength-based interviewing: less room for prepared answers , good for those with less experience
systematic selection
- Assessments to assess + avoid bias to identity best candidate
- psychometric
-Ability + aptitude test: general mental ability (GMA) predict academic performance - Personality test: interests shape beh
General Mental Ability ( GMA)
- woods + West
-Higher learning ability -> Quicker knowledge acquisition s steeper learning curve
-more importent for task + job performance than personality traits
-personality traits important for predicting counterproductive work beh
Reliability in selection assessments
- Internal consistency - > is it consistently accurate in what it is measuring
- Interrater reliability -> extent 2 different people agree on a conclusion
validity in selection assessments
- constructive > does it measure what it claims
- Face-> is it relevant to candidate
- content -> is test relevant to role
- criterion- does it predict job performance
personality testing
- The Sum total of the beh + mental characteristics that are distinctive of an indiv
- NoT all tests are created equal
5 factor model Of personality
- openness -> creative, imaginative
- conscientiousness -> organised life
- Extraversion -> seek stimulation in external world
- Agreeableness -> maintain pos relations, friendly
- Neuroticism -> mood swings
- McCrae + John
Personality + job satisfaction
-Kang + Malvoso
- Job satisfaction = total pay, hours worked, security + satisfaction
-openness = not Assoc with Job satisfaction
-conscientiousness = pos correlated
-Agreeableness = pos correl
- Extraversion = weak neg correl
- Neuroticism = neg correl
personality + job performance
- conscientiousness predicts performance consistently across all job types + found to be best predicter of progression
-openness- Assoc with better performance maintenance over time - extraversion, agreeableness + neuroticism depend on job type + complex role
Personality, job performance + job type
- conscientiousness predicts across all groups
-Agreeableness -health care - emotional stability- skilled/semi , law enforcement
-extraversion -sales management - openness- professional
costa - downside to personality assessments
- only useful when meaningfully matched to occupation criteria
Holland’s theory of vocational choice
- Highly influenced researched
-people + work ENV classified into 6 types
-Happiest when match between personality + work env
-Realistic > doers (practical) - investigative -> thinkers
- Artistic -> creators
-social - helpers - enterprising -> persuaders
- conventional -> organisers
Evidence for Hollard’s theory: Ding et al
- Assessed personality of graduate in: school counselling + psychology + mental health counselling
- most show social personality + realistic being lowest
eval of personality testing-Morgeson et Al
- used in right way = reliable assessment of personality do predict job performance
- when job traits matched to All Big 5 substantially improved
criticism of personality assessment - social desirability
-potential for faking or desirably responding
- Try spot what selectors are looking for
-Hogan + Hogan -> impression management shouldn’t be viewed as faking
situational judgement tests
- Assess candidates judgement about typical job situations
-present hypothetical situations - Beh based-> indicate now hey-dben
- knowledge based- > What they judge is appropriate
Types of interviews
-Ben -> key job requirements + ask about previous experiences reflecting future beh
- competency -> question past ben but tap into competency areas
- situational-> predict beh + how you’d respond