Recruit Flashcards
Elements of assault
Another person
Elements of burglary
-Any building OR any ship OR any part of a building Or any part of a ship
-Without authority
-With intent to commit an imprisonable offence in the building OR
With intent to commit an imprisonable offence within a ship
What are the section refers to police UOF during search, warrant, arrrst
Section 39- UOF arrest,search, warrant
What section CA refers to police UOF relating to offenders fleeing custody
Section 40
What section refers to UOF to prevent suicide?
Section 41
What section refers to use of force to prevent breach of peace?
Sec 42
What section refers to UOF for self defence
48-save a mate
What section refers to excessive UOF
Sec 62- in the poo
What does sec 7 victims rights act refer to?
Treatment- any person who deals with victims must treat them with utmost courtesy compassion and respect
What does sec 8 VRA refer to?
Rights of victims to access services
What does sec 11 VRA refer to?
Victims must be informed of services available to them
What does sec 12 VRA refer to?
Victims right to be informed of matters related to court proceedings regarding their case, including the victims role as a witness
What does sec 51 VRA refer to?
Return of property held as evidence- as soon as practicable after it is no longer needed for evidence purposes
What is the purpose of sec 29 VRA?
Victims of special (serious) crimes to be informed of information about offender, death, bail, escape, parole,
What obligation does sec 29 VRA place on police?
Police must inform victim of special crimes of right to be on notification register
What are the elements of wilful damage?
What is transferred malice?
When an offender goes to assualt person but someone other than the intended victim is hit
Who is defined as a victim?
A person against whom an offence is committed by another person
A person who suffers injury or loss due to an offence
Parent of child against who an offence is committed
Immediate family of someone who does or is inable due to offence
Explain purpose of NIA victims contact node
Place where victims details are kept for notifications, contact etc
What is the purpose of CSV1 form?
It is used to refer a victim to a court victims advisor
What is the timeframe for prosecution for wilful damage?
6 months
What is actus reas?
A physical action
What is Mens Rea?
Intentention of action
Explain how to apply offence analysis
The elements of a crime is broken down to each element that must be met by the actions of a person in relation to the offence and evidence presented to prove those acts in order to charge them.
What is LEGO?
No LEAVES torn out
What is sec 21 BORA 1990
Everyone has the right against seizure of person, property, correspondence
What is sec 22 BORA 1990?
Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained
What is sec 23 BORA 1990?
Persons arrested have rights and must be informed of those rights
What is sec 24 BORA 1990?
Everyone charged with an offence has rights and must be informed of those rights
Recite the BOR for arrest
- You are under arrest for_____
- You have the right to remain silent
- You have the right not to make a statement
- Everything you say will be recorded and may be used as evidence in court
- you have the right to speak with a lawyer without delay and in private before deciding to answer any questions
- police have a list of lawyers you may speak to for free
-do you understand?
Recite BOR for detaining
You are being detained under section_____ of the ____ act.
You are being detained under the ________ act
At what point is a person deemed detained?
When they reasonably believe by words or actions of an officer that they are unable to leave
What is the difference between lawful and reasonable?
Lawful is when an action is justified by a law or act
Reasonable is whether or not the actions taken were justified or used an excess of powers or authority, in bad faith, breaches BORA
Explain freeze, control, preserve
Freeze- keep scene on original state, nothing touched or moved
Control- all movements to and from scene, all activity in contained area
Preserve- all relevant exhibits
What is vawseepo?
Victim Appreciation Witness Scene Exhibits Elements Powers Offender
What info should you consider en route to a job
Offender description Direction of travel Weapons Vehicles Note vehicles leaving scene Plan SFP Plan initial actions with colleagues
What are the responsibilities of a scene guard?
UNBENT UNAUTHORISED persons NOYEBOOK- persons arriving leaving scene BRIEF authorised people EXPLORE suspicious activity NO contaminating scene THINK about animals
What two things should be considered when setting scene boundaries?
- think BIG
- offender/victim entry and exit points including vehicles
What is a common approach path?
A path different from the offender/ victim to access the scene that does not contaminate or destroy any evidence/exhibits
What info should be on a SITREP?
- info to help locate offender
- advise what assistance needed
- use radio in private
- don’t give victims particulars over radio
- provide location of SFP to attending staff
What info does a scene guard need before taking up duties?
- who is authorised to enter
- scene boundaries
- designated entry point
- point of exit
- what happened at scene
- are there any suspects?
What is the procedure for seizures of exhibits?
- do not touch until examined
- consider photographing
- consider fingerprints
- note position in notebook
- secure exhibit appropriately
- ensure chain of custody
- complete property app
Define cross contamination
Cross contamination is when two objects come into contact with each other. This reduces the ability to connect items with the offence committed.
What is the chain of evidence
The trail of people who handled the evidence which must be documented. Each person who handles the evidence must detail how they cared for stores it until they passed it onto the next person
What is the mandatory info for a 3T?
Call sign, registration, location
How are call signs composed?
- first two letters district
- Next letter is unit type
- number to identify unit (up to 3)
What is 10-2
Unit en-route
What is 10-1?
Message for all units
What is 10-3?
Unit available
What is 10-7?
Unit has arrived
What is 10-9?
Urgent message
What is 10-10?
Officer in danger, immediate assistance
What is K-1?
No further action, close CAD event
What is K-3?
Although reported as an No offence disclosed/ found, no further action required, no NIA occurrence will be created. close CAD event
What is K-6?
Written report to be submitted, close event
What is K-9?
Person arrested close event