“First in Time, First in Right”
tradit c/l land records didn’t exist.
First deed to be both executed & delivered was VALID.
(all other deeds ineffective)
Doing a title search
- Search back 60 years
- Build “chain of title”
- That shows everyone who ever held title
- Insure no adverse conveyances made by anyone on chain
- Check for adverse transaction on grantors index
- Check grantees index to see if cleared?
- Remove cleared transactions
- List any unreleased adverse transactions
- Determine if all deeds appear valid & properly executed
- Title search conclusions
the indexes
- Copy of every deed made & filed
- Two indexes made
* Grantor to deed
* Grantee to deed - Third index (some juris)
* Property address (tract) to deed
a document recorded in land records serves as CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE to who?
all who are required to search records
who is required to search records?
any party involved w/ANY form of a title transaction
does recording a void deed make it valid?
Stone v. French
deed-land record said he had 100% fSA interest
Title- was by inheritance, so he had only really 1/7 undivided interest
deed had not been delivered-void
When have different conveyances over time, but when,which recorded?
(who gets title: true title holder or BFP from the record title holder?)
Look for executed & delivered
& recorded
Mostly-BFP w/record title preferred (want to be able to rely on system)
True title holder can usu. protect his interest merely by recording (so more culpable than BFP)
land grant
ROOT OF TITLE, orignal grant given ever
voidable title
- executed & delivered but fraud
* can be made valid by recording it
not delivered & gets recorded⇒
real title
is real title, record title?
want REAL title holder to be rewarded always except
who gets title, adverse possessor or record holder?
Adverse possessor
prob- could search 4ever & won’t find on land record
(same w/prescriptive easements)
problems w/land record searches
adverse possessors
presecriptive easements
*land surveyor may help
3 types of recording statutes
- pure race
- race notice
- pure notice