record base wax-rims posterior palatal seal/records Flashcards
average distance between upper and lower labial sulci adijacent to labial frenum when teeth are occlused is
40 mm
distance from upper sulcus to incisal edge of the upper central incisor is an average of:
lower sulcus to lower central incisor:
totals 40
measures of wax rim:
22 ant height
18 posterior height
5mm width ant
8 mm width post
mand: 18 height
5 mm width ant
8 mm width post
an interim denture base used to support the record rim material for recording maxillomandibular records
-used to support wax rim
record base
discarded during denture processing (resin, triad)
actually becoming part of the completed denture (processed resin, metal)
material or device representing the base of a denture. It is used for making maxillomandibular relationship records and for the arrangement of teeth
trial base (would this mean the casts?)
carve the transferred posterior palatal seal into the master cast before:
before making the record base
record base fabrication(s):
- autopolyerized resin: sprinkled on
- visible-light-cured material
- vacuum-formed
- heat-processed resin
- cast metal
record bases must be:
smooth, contoured, comfortable
accurately fitting for retention and stability
faulty bases contribute to the most common errors of CD fabrications:
- improper Occ. vert dimension
- inaccurate centric relate registration
- unstable “trial denture”
- decreased patient confidence in dentist
a wax form used to establish jaw relationships and to arrange artifical teeth to form the “trial denture”
wax occ. rim
blueprint to assist the dentist and lab tec thru the phases of denture fabrication
wax occlusal rim
location and dimensions basically same as natural teeth they are replacing
wac occ rim
how thick should palate for max record base be
1-2 mm thick
line running from inferior border of ala of the nose to some point of the tragus of ear
campers plane
ala-tragus plane is parallel to occlusal plane
campers plane
camper’s plane
occlusal plane is at an angle of ____ degrees relative to the frankfort horizontal plane when viewed in the mid-sagittal plane
10 degrees
used to locate campers plane
fox plane
orient the maxillary cast to the axis of the opening/articulator
distance between two points
one above and one below the mouth
-measured when occluding members in contact
occlusal vertical dimension
no scientific method exists
estbalihsing OVD
what does patient say and hold lips when first touch?
where are reference points for OVD?
say “M”
chin and hose
horizontal mand position at an established vertical dimension
reproducible posterior position of mand
instrument that carries the relationship between the maxillae and the condyles from the patient to the articulator
to orient the max cast to the articular in the same relationship to the opening/closing axis of the articulator as exists. between the maxillae and the opening/closing axis of the TMJ of patient
facebow transfer purpose
this transfers elevation of cast in relation to the axis-orbital plane of the patient with facebow
third point of reference with facebow