Evaluate reconstructive memory
Based on ^realistic research. Psycho’s investigated memory using artificial materials to learn (nonsense syllables e.g. RIZ). Social origins of memory obscured in artificial research. Relevant to real life mem processes
Not all mem = inaccurate due to schemas. Situations personally important, recall accurate detail e.g. ppt often recalled ‘there was something black in his mouth’ as unusual (WOTG). Don’t always actively reconstruct memories, do = unaffected by schemas
Bartlett showed mem affected by schemas, inc expectations of what should happen. L+P found people don’t always recall what they see/hear accurately. No convictions now based on EWT alone
What was the procedure for ‘War of the Ghosts’ study and what did Bartlett find?
- British ppt shown story from a v diff culture
- After, Bartlett asked them to reproduce 15mins later
- Story = transformed over time
- Shorter through omissions, rationalisations made
- Reconstructions made story ^conventional to ppt
What did Bartlett argue?
- Memories = reconstructions, not reproductions
- Need to recall something = reconstruct fragments of info into meaningful whole (active process)
- So, some elements missing, distorted
What is a schema and when does it tend to activate?
- Mental framework of beliefs/expectations that affects cognitive processing
- Come across new knowledge/experiences a relevant schema activates
What can happen to new knowledge that conflicts with existing schema?
- Fail to be encoded, forgotten or distorted
- Unfamiliar details left out, familiar details elaborated to fill gaps (War of Ghosts)