Reconstruction Flashcards
What is the minimum amount of time a parotid stent be kept in place after a ductal repair? A. 2-4 weeks B. 6-8 weeks C. 10-12 weeks D. 16-18 weeks
Answer: A Rationale: Deep lacerations of the cheek can injure the parotid duct and facial nerve branches. The duct should be explored. Proximal and distal ends are identified, and a stent is sutured to the intraoral mucosa to prevent accidental displacement while the duct heals and is removed 2 to 4 weeks. This is sufficient time to allow for re-epithelialization of the severed duct. If the proximal portion of the duct cannot be located, a pressure dressing is applied to decrease the chances of a sialocele. Multiple aspirations of accumulated saliva may be a necessary part of this regimen. Use of antisialogogues (such as oral glycopyrrolate) is always a recommended adjunct when repairing a severed salivary gland duct. Reference: Karas, ND. Surgery of the salivary ducts. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 1998 Mar;6(1):99-116 Ward Booth, P. Maxillofacial Trauma. Primary management of soft tissue trauma and nerve reconstruction. 213-255Churchill Livingstone 2003.
What is the largest percent loss of an upper lip avulsive defect that can be closed primarily without compromising function and aesthetics? A. 20 % B. 30 % C. 40 % D. 50 %
Answer:B Rationale: Because of great tissue elasticity, an avulsive defect of approximately 30% of the upper or lower lip can be reconstructed with primary closure without compromising function and esthetics. Defects greater than 30% require local and regional flaps in order to prevent microstomia. Reference: Naumann, H.H. Head and Neck Surgery. Volume 1: Face, Nose and facial Skull, Part I. Surgical Management of skin defects of the scalp, forehead, cheeks and lips. P 41-94. Thieme 1995. Mathes, S. Plastic Surgery. Volume 3: The Head and Neck, Part 2. Second Edition. Elsevier 2006.
How long after inferior canaliculus laceration repair and intubation should the stent remain in place in the adult patient? A. 1-2 weeks B. 4-6 weeks C. 7-10 weeks D. 12-16 weeks
Answer: D Rationale: Inferior canaliculus injuries need repair within 24-48 hours in order to prevent epiphora. Repair of this kind of injuries is usually carried out by loop intubation with the punctate being initially cannulated with silastic stents. The stents extend from the puncta through the nasolacrimal duct and emerge in the inferior meatus, and should remain in place for at least 3 months in the adult in cases of pediatric injuries, the same procedure is performed; however, the stent can be removed in a shorter amount of time. Reference: Ward Booth, P. Maxillofacial Trauma Trauma. Primary management of soft tissue trauma and nerve reconstruction. 213-255 Churchill Livingstone 2003. Miloro, M. et al, Peterson’s Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Soft Tissue injuries, p357-370. Second Edition, BC Decker 2004.
A patient has an upper eyelid laceration with fat herniating from the wound. Injury to which of the following can be eliminated? A. Levator palpebrae superiorus B. Globe C. Sub-orbicularis oculi fat D. Retro-orbicularis oculi fat
Answer: C Rationale: SOOF, or the sub-orbicularis oculi fat is located in the lower lid region between the periosteum and the orbicularis oculi muscle. It should not be involved in an upper lid injury. All other choices might occur in an upper eye lid laceration. Reference: Turk JB, Goldman A. SOOF lift and lateral retinacular canthoplasty. Facial Plast Surg. 17, 37, 2001. Hwang SH, Hwang K, Jin S, et al. Location and Nature of Retro-Orbicularis Oculus Fat and Suborbicularis Oculi Fat. J Craniofac Surg. 2007 Mar; 18(2):387-390. 
What is the minimal pressure (in pounds per square inch) required during irrigation to mechanically disrupt bacterial adherence to a wound surface? A. 7 lbs (3.18 kg) B. 10 lbs (4.55 kg) C. 15 lbs (6.82 kg) D. 20 lbs (9.09 kg)
Answer: A Rationale: To be clinically effective, irrigants must be delivered with a fluid jet impacting a wound with 7 lb of psi. This pressure is the adequate for removing adherent bacteria from a wound. This amount of pressure can be generated from a pulsatile irrigation apparatus. Reference: Fonseca, Oral & Maxillofacial Trauma, Vol II, 2005, chapter 25, Management of soft tissue injuries 751-820. Tobin GR. Closure of contaminated wounds. Surg Clin N Am, 64, 639-652, 1984.
Whitnallís ligament attaches to which of the following structures? A. Whitnallís tubercle B. Lockwoodís suspensory ligament C. Lateral horn of levator aponeurosis D. Orbital lobe of the lacrimal glands
Answer: D Rationale: There are 4 structures attaching to the lateral retinaculum of the Whitnall’s tubercle: Lockwood’s suspensory ligament, lateral horn of levator aponeurosis, check ligament of lateral rectus muscle, and posterior limb of lateral canthal tendon. Whitnall’s ligament, the suspensory ligament of the upper lid, attaches around the orbital lobe of the lacrimal gland. Reference: Jelks GW, Glat PM, Jelks EB, et al. The inferior retinacular lateral canthoplasty: A new technique. Plast Reconstr Surg 100; 1997: 1262-1275.
The first evidence of systolic hypotension is seen in which class of hemorrhagic shock? A. Class I B. Class II C. Class III D. Class IV
Answer: C Rationale: Class III statatic hemorrhagic shock is distinguished by 30%-40% blood loss and the first indication of hypotension. Class I and II hemorrhagic shock do not display any reduction of blood pressure. Reference: Advanced Trauma Life Support. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Shock, 87-107, 2005 Krausz MM. Initial resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock. World J Emerg Surg. 2006 Apr 27;1. 
Which of the following can occur following placement of a tissue expander in the scalp? A. Epidermal hypoplasia B. Increase in dermal thickness C. Atrophy of fat D. Hyperplasia of skeletal muscle
Answer: C Rationale: Following placement of a tissue expander in the body, the following histologic changes occur: thickened epidermis, decrease in thickness of dermis, no changes in hair follicles or sebaceous glands, decrease in thickness of skeletal muscle, increase in capillaries, and fat atrophy. Reference: Marks MW, Argenta LC. Skin expansion in reconstructive surgery. Facial Plastic Surg, 1988, 301-311. Hoffman JF. Tissue expansion in the head and neck. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2005 May,:315-24.
Scar modification using a 60í Z-Plasty technique will increase the over length of the laceration by how much? A. 35% B. 45% C. 75% D. 95%
Answer: C Rationale: Z-plasty is used to rearrange a wound. A 30’ Z-plasty will increase the overall length of a wound by 25%, a 45’ Z-Plasty by 50%, and a 60’ Z-plasty by 75%. The long axis of the wound is rotated 90 degrees and the entire length of the incision is lengthened compared to the length of the excised scar. Reference: Hove CR, William EF 3rd, Rogers BJ. Z-plasty: a concise review. Facial Plast Surg. 2001 Nov: 289-94. Davis WE, Boyd JH. Z-Plasty. Otolaryngol Clin N Am 1990, 23:880-885. 
What is the most commonly isolated organism found in mammalian animal bites? A. Escherichia coli B. Clostridium tetani C. Pasteurella multocida D. Fusobacterium nucleatum
Answer: C Rationale: Although multiple organisms have been isolated from animal bites, 50-75% of all bites contain Pasteurella multocida. This aerobic organism is especially prevalent in cat bites. Beta lactam antibiotics are indicated for the treatment of such wounds. Initial management of such wounds should include Debridement and irrigation. Reference: Presutti RJ. Bite wounds. Early treatment and prophylaxis against infectious complications. Postgrad Med. 1997 Apr; 101(4):243-4, 246-52, 254. Fonseca. Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma. Chapter 27, 843-862. 2005. Stefanopoulos PK, Tarantzopoulou AD. Facial bite wounds: management update. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2005; 34:464-72.
What is the mechanism for development of coagulopathy following diffuse axonal injury (DAI)? A. Lack of production of factor V B. Release of tissue thromboplastin C. Release of antithrombin III D. Excessive production of prothrombin
Answer: B Rationale: DAI is a common occurrence following traumatic deceleration injuries of the brain. Initially, DAI does not show specific CT or MRI findings. However with time, diffuse edema if seen on CT scans. Release of tissue thromboplastin by damaged brain matter signals the clotting cascade leading to depletion of coagulation factors. Coagulopathy is a common finding following DAI. Reference: Advanced Trauma Life Support. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Head Trauma, 181-206, 2005 Greenberg MS. Handbook of Neurosurgery. Head Trauma, 690-753, 1997
Which artery supplies the condylar head following a subcondylar fracture? A. Masseteric B. Medial pterygoid C. Lateral pterygoid D. Buccal
Answer: C Rationale: The axial blood supply to the mandibular condyle is via the lateral pterygoid artery. This artery supplies the muscle which is intimately associated and attached to the condylar head and neck. Reference: Fonseca. Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma. Basic Anatomy of the Head and Neck, 281-328, 2005. Janfaza P et al. Surgical anatomy of the head and neck. Scalp, Cranium and Brain, p 49- 148, 2001.
A 7.5 cm segmental defect of the mandible would be expected to require the harvest of what volume of corticocancellous bone for reconstructive surgery? A. 35-45 cc’s B. 75-85 cc’s C. 105-115 cc’s D. >115 cc’s
Answer: B Rationale: It is generally recommended that a segmental defect of the mandible be reconstructed with 1 cc of corticocancellous bone per every 1 mm of defect. Adding 10% to this harvested volume will ensure the procurement of sufficient bone. As such, a 7.5 cm defect, or 75 mm, would be expected to require 75-85 cc’s of bone.
The best donor site for harvest of bone for reconstruction of a 7.5 cm segmental defect of the mandible would be which of the following? A. Clavicle B. Posterior ilium C. Anterior ilium D. Tibia
Answer: B Rationale: The harvest of 75-85 cc’s is predictably possible only from the posterior ilium. The clavicle is not generally described as a donor site for mandibular reconstruction. The anterior ilium is expected to yield approximately 30 – 40 ml of cancellous bone, while the tibia would be expected to yield approximately 15 – 20 ml. Therefore, a 7.5 cm defect of the mandible can only be predictably reconstructed with a harvest of bone from the posterior ilium.
The administration of hyperbaric oxygen is planned for a patient scheduled for reconstruction of a segmental defect of the mandible with corticocancellous bone where the lower third of the face was in the direct field of radiation therapy. How many treatments would be recommended? A. 10 preoperatively, none postoperatively B. 20 preoperatively, 10 postoperatively C. 20 preoperatively, 20 postoperatively D. 30 preoperatively, 10 postoperatively
Answer: B Rationale: The time honored protocol for the administration of HBO to an irradiated patient in preparation for mandibular reconstruction is 20 preoperative treatments followed by surgery and 10 postoperative treatments. This protocol assumes that a diagnosis of osteoradionecrosis of the mandible has not been met. When such a diagnosis is met, the patient receives 30 treatments of HBO initially followed by re- evaluation.