Reconstruction Flashcards
The USA was the First Nation with a constitution. What is a constitution?
a document containing the rules by which a country is to be governed.
What is the federal system of the government?
Theres a central government and state government. Each state has its own powers that are not subject to interference from the central government.
What is the structure of the US federal government?
The American people elect the congress and the president. The congress makes the laws, declares war and checks the work of the president while the president is the head of the state who can call special sessions of congress, has the power to veto and recommend legislation. The Supreme Court however is the highest court who approve the laws and whether they are constitutional (where everyone has to follow.) They are judges appointed by the president.
What are the two parts of the congress?
The senate, and House of Representatives. Two senators represent each state, and the members of the house of representatives represent constituencies based on population. Both houses of congress have to agree for the law to be carried out and they can override a presidential veto.
What was a weakness of the federal government?
-had a limited impact on the lives of most Americans (Laissez-faire)
What was the economy like during the 1840s-1860s?
Americans were described as ‘people of plenty’ by historian David Potter. The country had enormous reserves of fertile land, timber and minerals. Between 1840-1860, food production increased massively due to improved farming techniques as well as the opening of more land (expansion of the west.)
What was the sound transport infrastructure that the USA had developed?
-the development of the transatlantic railway. By 1860, USA had over 30,000 miles of railroad track.
-steamboat and canal development - transformed travel on the great rivers.
What were the economic differences between the Southern and Northern states?
In the 1850’s- south supported free trade (international trade that is not subject to taxes) in order to encourage greater trade with Britain. However the north favoured tariffs (taxes paid on imported goods.)
North relied on a more industrial economy, less on slaves - textiles, engineering and had more railroad tracks than the south.
The south relied on a more farming based industry and on slaves - cotton, tobacco and rice.
Cultural differences between northern and southern states?
‘Code of honour’ in south - encourages duelling if your honour was questioned, could result in death. The southern were also heavily Christian.
The north - passed laws that suppressed duelling. Their identity was more based on liberty, free labour and puritanical Christianity.
What were the political differences between the southern states and northern states?
South - democratic, wanted to ensure that states kept the power to legislate for themselves without involvement from congress or president.
North- Republican, less supportive of the rights of individual states and wanted the congress and president to be more involved.
When was the Declaration of Independence?
4 July 1776. 13 American colonies free from British empire.
Why did the North want to abolish slavery?
They were convinced that slavery went against the Declaration of Independence and that many slaves were treated badly in the South. However, they were NOT necessarily tolerant of racial issues.
When was the Civil War?
Between 1861-1865
What were the causes of the civil war?
- differences over the issue of slavery.
- when republican Abraham Lincoln pledged to keep slavery out of the territories, the south seceded and formed a new nation, the confederate states of America.
What were the consequences of the Civil War?
- 618,000 dead
- 3.3 billion spent total on war efforts
-emancipation of 3.5 million slaves.
What was Lincoln’s main aim for the reconstruction?
He wanted a total union of all the states.
Who introduced the 13th amendment, when, what was it?
-November 1864
-Formally freed all slaves in the USA
Who introduced the Freedman’s bureau, when, what was it?
- Lincoln
- March 1865
- Supported former slaves (educational, employment) and helped establish schools for African Americans.
How effective were the 13th amendment and Freedman’s bureau?
- 13th amendment - freed 3.5 million slaves - effective
- congress dismantled freedman’s bureau in 1872, failed to make progress towards racial equality.
What was Johnson’s main aim for reconstruction?
- restore the southern states.
Who passed the Civil Rights Bill, when, and what was it?
- Johnson
- 1866
- declares that anyone born in the United States would be a citizen no matter race or colour or previous condition of slavery.
Who passed the 14th amendment, What was it and why was it passed?
- Johnson
- anyone born in the USA are US citizens and will therefore be treated equally (civil rights bill 1866)
- passed to ensure the civil rights bill could not be changed in the future congress
How effective was the civil rights bill and 14th amendment?
The amendment was rejected by all ex confederate states except Tennessee. Failed to get approval of 75% states necessary for it to become law.
What were Grants aims for reconstruction?
-protect former enslaved people, and was in favour of firm treatment of the South.
Who passed the 15th amendment, when, and what was it?
- Grant
- 1869
- The right to vote should not be denied on account of race, colour or any previous conditions of slavery.
How effective was the 15th amendment?
Not very effective, the South would find loopholes to prevent African Americans from voting for example, literacy tests.
What scandals was Grant involved in?
- Black Friday
- Whiskey ring scandal
When was the Black Friday Scandal?
24 September 1869
What was the Black Friday scandal?
A financial panic occurred as a result of plummeting gold prices as a group of speculators tried to manipulate the gold market. Affected Grants reputation.
When was the Whiskey Ring scandal?
What was the whiskey ring scandal?
Multiple government officials decided to keep some of the tax money that came from liquor to themselves, Grants private secretary was indicated in the scandal. Grants reputation suffered.
What was the political effects in regards to the interpretations of the reconstruction?
- North was not harsh on the South - only one man executed
- 3 amendments passed.
What were the economic effects in regards to the interpretations of the reconstruction?
- South remained a predominantly agricultural area - they did not keep up with the North
- an excessive quantity of cotton led to a sharp fall in prices in the 1870’s
What was an effect of reconstruction for African Americans in regards to voting?
Initially in the south, 2 black senators were elected to congress. However, over time, they lost that power as there would not be another black senator for another 100 years.
What was an effect of reconstruction for African Americans in regards to employment?
During the 1870’s, most African Americans became sharecroppers.
What is sharecropping, why was it good and why was it bad?
- White landowners provided resources, black tenants provided the labour.
- advantage - gave African American farmers more freedom.
- disadvantage - fall in cotton prices in the 1870’s resulted in hardship for sharecroppers.
Social consequence of the reconstruction for the African Americans.
Reconstruction failed to bring equality to African Americans. In the nineteenth century, Every state introduced segregation and the Jim Crow laws.
What were the Jim Crow laws?
-‘separate but equal’
- separate drinking fountains, schools and public toilets.
What were the Jim Crow laws?
-‘separate but equal’
- separate drinking fountains, schools and public toilets.
When was the Colfax Massacre?
What was the Colfax Massacre?
a mob of hundreds of white men killed an estimated 150 Black people while attacking the Grant Parish courthouse in Colfax, Louisiana. This massacre took place because of the race of the Louisiana governer’s race which caused racial tensions. Leaders of the massacre were arrested but later were released as the Supreme Court ruled that the law they broke was unconstitutional.
What is the Ku Klux Klan?
A racist group formed in 1866, intimidation African Americans into not voting through lynchings and beatings.
What is lynching?
Kill for an alleged offence without a legal trial, especially by hanging.
How did the impact of the civil war affect the industrial growth in the USA?
Mass production was introduced due to the demand of guns and clothing for the war.
How did the availability of land impact the industrial growth?
Increased land availability led to the western expansion and led to further railroad development.
How did population growth impact industrial growth?
- in 1860 - 31.5 million but increased to 50 million by 1880
- allowed for cheap labour for economic expansion.
How did transport affect industrial growth?
The transcontinental railroad took only 6 days to travel instead of 6 months. Also made logistics far easier as cattle could be moved from Texas to Chicago, for example.
How did availability of capital affect industrial growth?
Availability of capital was essential as entrepreneurs often need to borrow money in order to develop a business. More businesses = more profit.
How did the role of the government affect the industrial growth?
The constitution gave the derail government virtually no role in managing the economy. As a result, businessmen had substantial freedom.
How did corporations and trusts affect the industrial growth?
This is a business method that helped in expansion. For example, Rockefeller who created the standard oil company dominated the oil industry in the USA and became the first American billionaire.
How did technological innovation affect the industrial growth?
Carnegie brought a new process for production from Britain that made managing the steel industry much cheaper.
What was a consequence of the industrial growth?
The depression of 1873 that happened due to a major economic reversal in Europe and the poor state of the American banking system, (Anyone could set up a bank.)
(Economic growth key date) when was the first transcontinental railroad open?
(Economic growth key date) when was the standard oil company set up?
(Economic growth key date) when was the depression?
What was the westward expansion before the civil war about?
- more opportunity for cheap, fertile land
- Mormons escaping prosecution because of polygamy that was not allowed, they moved to Salt Lake, a territory that was not claimed by the US.
What is manifest destiny?
The belief that Americans were chosen by God to move west to spread their American Values.
When was the main westward expansion?
What was the homestead act?
To encourage settlement in western areas, the government gave 160 acres of land to farmers on the basis that they would farm the land for five years.
When was the homestead act?
What was the timber and culture act?
Gave homesteaders an additional 160 acres if they planted 40 of those acres with trees.
When was the timber and culture act?
How did railroads affect the westward expansion?
Government wanted to encourage the railroad expansion west, realising this could lead to more migration to the area.
What did Lincoln sign in 1862?
The pacific railroad act. It authorised two companies to build the transcontinental railroad.
What was the second gold rush?
Black hills, Dakota, mid 1870’s. Encouraged people to move west however, the US government had recognised the black hills belonging to the Native Americans because of the treaty of Laramie in 1865. Once again, these rights were ignored.
What was the treat of Laramie?
- 1868
- the United States recognized the Black Hills as part of the Great Sioux Reservation, set aside for exclusive use by the Sioux people.
How did westward expansion affect the native Americans?
The Great Plains in the centre of the USA was heavily populated by Native Americans, this made it difficult for white settlers to move west as their path is “obstructed” and could be attacked by the Native Americans. So the government felt as though they had to intervene.
What was the Sandcreek massacre of 1864?
During the civil war, regular soldiers were moved from the plains to fight in the East, they were replaced by volunteers who were untrained. A force of 700 troops of cavalry killed and mutilated innocent Cheyenne men,women and children.
What was the great Sioux war?
- 1876
- after gold was discovered in the black hills, after the government offered 6 million dollars to the Native Americans to move, they rejected the offer so the government began to treat them as hostile.
What was the reservation policy?
It was created to keep Native Americans off of lands that European Americans wished to settle.
What is isolationism?
A policy by which the USA detached itself from foreign affairs.
What was the monroe doctrine, when, and who signed it?
- US policy was to avoid becoming involved in European wars UNLESS American interests were involved.
- 1823
- President James Monroe
USA on isolationism?
- some historians have argued that the USA felt superior to those countries that took part in expansion
- America did not need imports as they had sufficient raw materials.
- Seward (US secretary) rejected an invitation to join France.
Did the USA ever break their isolationism to interfere in external affairs, if so, when?
1846, USA went to war with Mexico to support a rebellion in California for independence for Mexican rule.
What are 2 examples of USA’s expansionism?
1868 - Burlingame treaty - promote trade with china, movement of people and trade between china and USA, increased Chinese immigration to work on railroad in the USA
Alaska purchased from Russia in 1867 for $7.2 million