Reconstruction Flashcards
When was Lincoln President?
What was the Ten Percent Plan and when was it introduced?
Introduced in 1865, the plan stated that in order to be readmitted into the Union the Confederate states must have 10% of the electorate make an oath of future allegiance to the Union, support all acts of Congress on slavery and allow African Americans to vote.
Who was unhappy with the Ten Percent Plan?
Those who preferred Radical Reconstruction in Congress, preferring to punish the South and empower African American’s.
When was the Thirteenth Amendment passed and what did it entail?
In 1865, legally freed all slaves.
What was the Wade Davis Bill?
Created by two senators as an alternative to the Ten Percent Plan it stated that in order to be readmitted to the Union the Confederate states must: 50% of electorate swear oath of future and past allegiance to the Union, state constitution abolishes slavery, confederate officials banned from ever having government.
What happened to the Wade Davis Bill?
It was vetoed by Lincoln however, the oath was accepted later on by Johnson.
What was the Freedmen’s Bureau and when was it established?
This was a US agency set up in 1865, for one year, which would help African Americans integrate into society as free people. It would provide advice on employment and set up schools for African American’s. Set up by Congress and Lincoln.
What appears to be Lincoln’s attitude towards Reconstruction?
Appears he wishes to unite the US as quickly as possible to prevent the breaking up of states into smaller countries which is why he did not focus on punishment but rather a quick, smooth and reasonable redamation.
When was Johnson president?
What were the Black codes in 1866?
These emerged in the South as a way of controlling the now freed African American population by forcing them into employment for white people, denying education and restriction of freedom.
When was the Civil Rights Bill passed?
What did the Civil Rights Bill do?
Gave African Americans basic rights and prohibited discrimination.
What did Johnson do to the Civil Rights Bill and what followed?
Johnson vetoed the bill but for the first time in history Congress overturned the veto with a 2/3 majority.
Why was the Tenure of Office Act passed by Congress? And when?
In 1867 the Tenure of Office Act prevented the President from removing a host office holder, this was to protect the Secretary of State Stanton who was an open, fierce critic of Johnson’s reconstruction policy.
Why was Johnson impeached and when?
He has dismissed Stanton, ignoring the 1867 Tenure of Office Act. In 1868 he was just 1 vote short of impeachment.
What did the Military Reconstruction Bill do? When was it passed?
Passed in 1867 it had put all (except Tennessee) Confederate states under 5 military districts under Federal Commanders. If wanting to be readmitted into the Union the states had to pass the 14th Amendment and accept black suffrage.
What was Johnson’s approach to Reconstruction?
He did not wish to punish the South, but he instead sympathised with them which is what caused such a rocky relationship between him and Congress who mostly consisted of Radicals.
When was Grant President?
1869-1877: Two terms.
When and what was the Fifteenth Amendment?
Passed in 1869, it had stated that the vote shall not be denied on account of race, colour or previous servitude.
What was Grants approach to Reconstruction?
He believed in punishment of the South and continued the military rule of the South (no more than 20,000 troops in all of South) with corrupt governments that were ran by the despised Carpetbaggers and Scalawags. He was mostly disliked in the South and so were most Northerners.
How did the South feel towards the North?
Felt like the North was out to destroy their way of life. There were clear cultural, economic and political divisions between the North and the South and Reconstruction had made these even more intense.
What marked the end of Reconstruction?
The compromise of 1877
What was the Compromise of 1877?
The Republican Hayes would be accepted as president and given the White House if all military troops were removed from the South and if Carpetbaggers would be removed. This ended Northern attempt at changing the Southern way of life.
What is Radical Reconstruction?
This is Congressional Reconstruction determined by the Republican dominated Congress. Republicans seized the role of Reconstruction passing their own acts such as The Military Reconstruction Bill, Civil Rights Bill, Tenure of Office Act.