Reconciliation for Income Statement Flashcards
Where do you start from to reconcile the Income statement
You start from Change in Fund Balance
+ Add Capital Expenditures
- Subtract Depreciation
+ Add the Principle Payment Expenditures
- Subtract the Other Financing Sources
+ Add Net Revenues from Internal Service Fund
= Change in Net Position Governmental Activities
in GWFS, What does the Statement of Activities (Income Statement) signifies?
We have been operating effectively
in GWFS, What does the Statement of Net Position (Balance Sheet) signifies?
We are financially sound
How do you treat Interfund Receivables and Payables?
They are not shown on GWFS.
Interfund Receivables
Interfund Payables
100,000 was transferred from General Fund to Capital Project Fund, how would it appear on GWFS
It will not be shown, and would be eliminated on worksheet entries.
100,000 was transferred from General Fund to Capital Project Fund, how would it appear on Fund-based Financial Statements?
It will be shown as Other Financing Sources - Transfer ins and Other Financing Uses - Transfer outs on Fund-based Financial Statements.
100,000 was transferred as short-term financing for city bus line from General Fund to Enterprise Fund. On its GWFS how this transfer will be reported
As Transfer-in and Transfer-out. This transfer is between a governmental activity (general fund) and business-type activity (enterprise fund) and referred to as an interactivity transaction.
On GWFS would “Yearly operating subsidies from the general fund to the enterprise fund” type of interfund transaction be included in amounts of reported for transfer?
Yes, Subsidies involve transferring money to cover the failure
On GWFS would “Billings from an enterprise fund to a general fund for services rendered” type of interfund transaction be included in amounts of reported for transfer?
No. This revenue not the transfer.
Sales Tax is a
Derived Revenue
Income tax is a
Derived Revenue
Gasoline Tax is a
Derived Revenue
Property tax is a
Imposed Non-exchange Revenue
Fines and Forfeits are
Imposed Non-exchange Revenue
What is Derived Tax Revenue
It is Revenue where an underlying transaction or event is being taxed. For example Sales is taxed in Sales tax revenue.
What is Deferred Inflows
Deferred Inflows would be where governmental entity receives cash in one period but earns that cash in a future period, such as grant money received this period, but can't be used until next period because of time restriction: This period: Cash 500 Deferred Inflows 500 Next Period: Deferred Inflows 500 Grant Revenue 500
What are unearned Revenue?
Unearned Revenue (and not Deferred Inflows) would result where the governmental entity receives a grant in one period but needs to meet ALL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT (not just a time restriction) in order to earn the grant.
Cash 500
Unearned Revenue 500
The city of Toronto was awarded 300 federal operating grant in year 18 for use in year 19, all eligibility requirement have been met. On November 1, year 18 300 was received by Toronto. The Journal Entry for the receipt of the grant funds on November 1 would include a ?
Credit to Deferred Inflows since all the eligibility requirement have been met and it is not a liability anymore. We do not credit Grant Revenue since it is received in year 18 FOR year 19.
The city of Toronto was awarded 300 federal operating grant in year 18 for use in year 19, all eligibility requirement have NOT been met. On November 1, year 18 300 was received by Toronto. The Journal Entry for the receipt of the grant funds on November 1 would include a ?
Since key eligibility requirements have NOT been met, the 3– received in year 18 may have to be returned therefore not just a time restriction but eligibility requirement result in unearned revenue being recorded in Year 18 for 300 rather than deferred inflow. Deferred inflow would imply no Liability.
City of Toronto was awarded a 300 federal operating grant in year year 18 for use in year 19. All eligibility requirements have been met. On November 1, year 18 200 was received by Toronto city. The journal entry for the receipt of the grant funds on November 1, year 18 would be?
Credit to Deferred Inflows for 200.
What is service concession Arrangement?
Another situation where deferred inflows come up when a service concession arrangement. Payment by a private vendor to a government for excusive rights to operate the city theater and books acts and entertainment. Vendor pays upfront fee for the exclusive right. This upfront fee is Deferred Inflow to be recognize as revenue over a period of time. The asset remains on the GWFS even though the private vendor has the right to operate it.
According to GASB, uses of Deferred Inflows and Deferred Outflows include?
- Gain and Losses from changes in Fair Value on Derivative Instruments.
- Upfront Fees received from Private Vendors in connection with Service Concession Arrangement involving multi-year contracts.
- Grants for one year to be used in future year where all eligibility requirement have been met.
- Losses on Debt refunding
- Prepayment received for Property taxes in advance.
- Use or time specific grant
According to GASB, Deferred Outflows include?
- Losses on Debt Refunding
- Losses on Fair Value of
Derivatives used in hedging
According to GASB, Deferred Inflows include?
- Gain on Fair Value Derivatives used in hedging.
- Payments received from private vendor in a service concession arrangement.
- Tax Receipts collected by the government in advance before they are legally due.
- When the city government receive a grant but use the money only for specific purpose or in specific time period.
If homeowners prepay their property taxes, and money is not legally due to the government yet, the prepayment used be considered as?
It will be Deferred Inflow, not the unearned Revenue since there is no liability to return the money.
State pass recycling law and mandates that all restaurants install new dumpsters in parking lot, the state sends the city 1,000 grant to help the restaurants cover the costs. When the city received the money how would record it?
Deferred inflow for specific purpose and time as Government mandated Non-Exchange Transaction.
On GWFS of net position, Deferred Outflows of resources appear after and before?
After Assets and Before Liabilities.
Deferred Outflows are like assets.
Deferred Inflows are like liabilities where you receive the money than as you earn it, you recognize as revenue.
On GWFS of net position, Deferred Inflows of resources appear after and before?
After Liabilities and before Net Position.
What is basic governmental equation?
Assets + Deferred Outflows - Labilities + Deferred Inflows = Net Position