Reconciliation Flashcards
Practice of Christian charity through donation of money or other resources
Telling one’s sins to a priest
Moral guide for humans; inner voice
True sorrow and hatred for sins one has committed
Radical reorientation of ones life from evil to God
Examination of Conscience
Prayerful self-reflection of one’s words and deeds in the light of the Gospel
Deprivation of food or drink
Free will
Human ability to choose
General absolution
Rare event in which a group of people are forgiven for their sins without confession
Imperfect contrition (attrition)
Sorrow of the soul for sins committed; resolution not to sin again due to the fear of God
Remission of temporal punishment due to the prior forgiving of sins
Moral Law
Ethical code of accepted behaviors
Lectio Devina
Reading and meditation on Scripture
Mortal sin
Serious offense against God which destroys our relationship with him; committed by the preferring of another good compared to him
Partial Indulgence
Indulgence that removes part of the temporal punishment due to sin