Recognizing What to Order - Pediatric Imaging Flashcards
Headache with positive neurologic signs?
CT head without or MRI head without - CT or MRI should be performed in EVERY patient.
Headache, acute, severe?
CT or MRI of the head without contrast - CT or MRI should be performed in EVERY patient.
Isolated hematuria?
US kidneys and bladder.
Painful hematuria?
CT abdomen + Pelvis without contrast.
Traumatic hematuria, micro or macroscopic?
CT abdomen and pelvis WITH.
Limp, 0-5y, no focal signs?
Radiographs of pelvis + lower extremity.
Septic arthritis suspected?
Radiographs and possibly US area of interest.
Seizures, neonate?
US head.
Seizures, post traumatic?
CT head without.
Seizures, first generalized or refractory?
MRI head without.
Sinusitis, chronic or recurrent?
CT paranasal sinuses without.
US kidneys and bladder.
Bilious vomiting, up to 1 week old?
Abdominal radiographs.
Bilious vomiting, 1wk to 3mo?
Upper GI series.
Non bilious vomiting since birth?
Upper GI series.
Projectile vomiting, new onset?
US abdomen (UGI tract).
Child abuse?
Skeletal survey radiographs - If head injury is suspected, CT head WITHOUT.
If seizures or neurologic signs, MRI head.
Child abuse, thoracic or abdominal injuries discrepant with history?
CT abdomen + pelvis with.
Fever, WITH or WITHOUT respiratory symptoms?