Recognition Flashcards
Financial asset and liability
When it becomes party to the contractual provision of the instrument.
Probable future economic benefits will flow to the entity.
Cost can be measured reliably.
Present obligation as a result of past events: the obligation can be legal or constructive
Probable outflow of resource
Reliable estimate can be made
Detailed formal plan for restructuring
Plan has been communicated
Intangible assets
Controlled by the entity
Generate future economic benefits
Cost can be measured reliably
Nca held for sale
1.Available for immediate sale
2.Sale must be highly probable (mgt committed to a plan to sell, active programme to locate buyer, asset is actively marketed) is expected to complete within 12 months.
Ifrs 15 revenue from contracts with customers says that a contract with a customer should only be accounted for if:
• the parties have approved the contract
• rights and obligations can be identified from the contract
• payment terms can be identified
• the contract has commercial substance
• it is probable that the entity will collect the consideration they are entitled to
Short term lease
- 12 month lease term with no purchase option
- Asset has a low value
Govt grants
If it is probable that
1. Conditions for receipt have been complied with
2. Reasonable assurance that the grant will be received.
Hedge accounting
Under IFRS 9, hedge accounting can only be applied if it meets following criteria
1. There is a hedging relationship
2. At the inception of the hedge, there must be formal documentation identifying the hedged item & hedged instrument.
3. Hedging relationship meets all effectiveness requirements
- Present obligation as a result of past events
- Reliable estimate
- Probable outflow
Revenue recognition over time( in stages) criteria
If one of the following is met:
1. Customer simultaneously receives and consumes benefits
2. Customer has the control throughout the process
3. No alternative use for entity
4. Enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date.