What muscles are most attached to bones?
Skeletal M
Maintains tone wc keeps us sitting or standing erect?
Skeletal Muscles
They carry out the mvment necessary for respiration?
Skeletal Muscles
By product when skeletal musclea contract?
Causes walls of internal organs and vessels to constrict?
Contraction of Smooth Muscles
Causes heart to beat, propell blood to all parts of the body
Contraction of Cardiac M
4 General Properties of Muscles
Cont, Exct, Exten,Elas
Func of Mus Sys
Maintenance of Posture, Respiration Production of body heat Communication Constriction of organ n vessels Contraction of heart
Ability of muscle to shorten forcefully
Capacity of muscle to respond to stimulus
Can contract wo outside stimuli but they also respond to stimulation by nerves n hormones
Smooth an Cardiac M
A Muscle can be strected beyond is normal resting length n still be able to contract
Ability of muscle to recoul to its original reating length after it has been strectched
Each skeletal M is a compelte organ consisting of cells called_____
Skeletal muscle fiber
Specialized nervce cla that stimulate muscles to contract?
Motor neurons
Contract slowly, func as 1 unit and can be autorhymthmic
Visceral smooth muscl fibers
Contract rapidly in response to stimulation by neurons n fuc independently
Multiunit smooth muscl fiber
Adjacent cells joining to form branching fibers by specialized cell to cell attachements
Intercalated disks
Fascicle Arrangement in a circle around an opening and acts as sphincter to close the opening
Eg of Circular Fasc Arrg
Orbicularis oris n oculi
Fascli arrng that is broadly distributed fascicles converge at a single tendon
Eg of convergent
Pectoralis Major and Minor
Fascies originate from a tendon that una the length of the entire muscle
Give eg of Unipennate, Bipennate, Multipennate
1 Palmar interosseus
2 Rectus Femoris
3 Deltoid
Fasc arrng lie parallel to long axis of muscle, belly of muscle is larger in diamter than ends
Eg of Fusiform
Biceps n Trceps brachii
Fascie lie parallel to one anotber n to long axis of the muscles
Eg of Parallel
Trapezius, Rhomboideus, Rectus Abdominis
Most stationary part of muscle
Proximal end of muscle
Distal end of muscl
Part of muscle bet the orgin and insertion
Bone to muscle
Func of Nervous Sys
Maintaing Homeost Receive sensory input Integrating info Controlling muscl n glands Establish n maintain ment act
Can stimulate or inhibit body activities
Nervous Sys
Monitor numerous ext and int stimuli
Sensory Receptors
Major organs for processing input n n initializ responses
Brain and Spin Cord
Normally contrct when stimulated by nerv sys
Skeletal Muscles
Center of Mental Act
Disease on ment activity esp thought