Reciprocal verbs Flashcards
We encourage each other.
Nous nous encourageons.
They hurt each other.
Ils se blessent.
You both understand each other.
Vous vous comprenez. Vous vous entendez.
They squabble with each other.
Ils se chicanent.
We respect each other.
Nous nous respectons.
We help each other.
Nous nous aidons.
They make fun of each other.
Ils se moquent.
You have fun together.
Vous vous amusez ensemble.
We get mad at each other
Nous nous fâchons.
They (f.) confide in each other.
Elles se confient.
You behave like children.
Vous vous comportez comme enfants.
We loved each other.
Nous nous sommes aimés.
They beat each other up!
Ils se sont battus!
They (f.) forgave each other.
elles se sont excusées.
I felt at ease.
Je me suis senti(e) à l’aise.
We bored each other.
Nous nous sommes ennuyés.
They saw each other
Ils se sont vu(e)s
he embarrasses me.
Il me gêne
He embraced me.
Il m’a embrassé
se lier d’amitié
to be connected by friendship
se rencontrer
to meet each other
se dire les bêtises
to say mean things to each other
se disputer
to disagree with each other
to be persistent or stubborn with each other
se compléter
to complete each other
se ressembler
to ressemble each other
se séparer
to separate from each other
se tenir ensemble
to hang around together
se quitter
to leave each other, to break up
se parler
to talk to each other
se faire de la peine
to cause each other pain
se divertir
to enjoy each other or to enjoy one’s self
to hug or kiss each other embrace
se marier
to marry each other
to marry each other
se gêner
to bother each other to embarass each other
to be interested in each other
se perdre de vue
to lose touch with each other
se rapprocher
to draw close to each other
se retrouver
to meet/find each other again
to stick together
to burst out laughing together
to explain to each other
se connaître
to know each other
se conseiller
to advise each other
se défoncer
to have a blast together
se faire des blagues
to play jokes on each other