Reasons God Exists Flashcards
Conclusion of The Cosmological Argument
God created the universe
Argument for The Cosmological Argument’s premise:
Whatever begins to exist has a cause
- Nothing can come from nothing (Ex nihilo nihil fit)
Argument for The Cosmological Argument’s premise:
The universe began to exist
- Infinity does not exist
2. There is evidence for the Big Bang
Argument for The Cosmological Argument’s premise:
The cause of the universe is beyond space and time
- Whatever creates in space and time must have power over it
- Only things out of space and time are God and numbers
- Numbers are abstract and not creative
Conclusion of The Teleological Argument
Therefore, the fine-tuning of the universe is due to design
Argument for The Teleological Argument’s premise:
We have a fine tuned universe
- Things come together just right
If things were changed 1/100% , we would not have a life permitting universe
Argument for The Teleological Argument’s premise:
The fine-tuning of the universe is due to either law, chance, or design
Argument for The Teleological Argument’s premise:
It is not due to law
- The universe has constants and quantities independent of natural law
Argument for The Teleological Argument’s premise:
It is not due to chance
- Odds of being due to chance are overwhelmingly small
Multiverse hypothesis = odds are small that we got ordered universe