Reasons For WW1 Flashcards
Were the Russian people patriotic or did they fear a war
They feared a war
Why did the Balkan wars start
All countries saw bulgaria claim independence from the ottoman empire so they wanted the same
What was the Balkan league
A league for the Balkan countries to attack the ottoman empire
Who set up the Balkan league
What was the purpose of the first Balkan war
To remove ottoman influence in the Balkans
Who won the first Balkan war
Balkan countries
What resorted from the Balkan war
World leaders decided what the Balkan countries should get from the win
Why did the Balkan war make austria Hungary and serbia even greater enemies
Serbia tried taking more of macedonia than they were given in the treaty which belonged to austria Hungary
Who are arch enemies after the Balkan wars
Serbia and austria Hungary
Why did militarism influence WW1
Countries built up massive armies and were eager to use them
When did the arms race (militarism) start
After the franco Prussian war
Why were alliances and ententes promising war
Any little conflict (schlieffen plan) would escalate into a European war
Why did imperialism contribute to WW1
Countries wanting to expand their empires started conflicts, especially in Africa like the morrocan crisis
Why did the Balkan issues contribute to WW1
Austria Hungary and Russia grew a massive hatred
Russia would not say no to future altercations
What was social darwinism
The belief that a competitive environment was healthy and wars had to happen to reveal greater powers